Tag: learning
In Beta podcast: Generative AI in health professions education
#33 – Generative AI in health professions education In this conversation, Ben and I speak to Lambert Schuwirth to get his take on the impact of generative AI in health professions education. The conversation covers the development of HPE-Bot from a pedagogical perspective; the potential impact of generative AI on HPE teaching, learning, and assessment;…
Link: Assisted Vs Autonomous AI for Educators
https://drphilippahardman.substack.com/p/assistive-vs-autonomous-ai-for-educators “If we are to embrace and leverage the power of AI, it requires us to be open and willing to change significantly both what we do and how we do it. We need to be open to a change in our identity from teachers of humans to teachers of AI.“ The article discusses the…
Guide on the side, or sidelined?
in AIWe talk about the need for teachers to move from being the ‘sage on the stage’ to the ‘guide on the side’, and how this is a positive approach that positions the student at the centre of their learning rather than the teacher. But another way of viewing this is that students’ use of AI…
Open-access textbook: AI for teachers
https://www.ai4t.eu/textbook The link takes you to a page to download the open-access textbook on AI for teachers. The book is available in a range of formats (PDF, epub, etc) and in multiple languages. An Erasmus+ K3 project designed by France, Slovenia, Italy, Ireland and Luxembourg to contribute to training on AI in education for and…
In Beta podcast: Digital health and learning
Last week I met with Joost van Wijchen to brainstorm a joint session we’re offering on an Erasmus+ funded Blended Intensive Programme on Digital Health. We recorded the session for later reflection but decided to also publish it as a podcast. Here’s a great outline that Joost very generously put together, covering some of the…
An AI-first approach to higher education in the UK
http://donaldclarkplanb.blogspot.com/2024/01/ai-university.html Donald Clark proposes a vision for an AI-first university, tackling the pressing need for high-quality, low-cost online education in the UK. Here’s a distilled list of 25 transformative ideas, drawing inspiration from other successful educational models: I couldn’t agree more. For me, AI has the potential to massively scale personal learning, and for that…
Link: Edtech predictions for 2024
https://edtechinsiders.substack.com/p/2024-edtech-predictions-from-edtech There were two edtech predictions that stood out for me: “Gemini’s multi-modal focus – engaging with text, images, video, and audio in the same environment rather than as separate features – is what we think might separate Gemini from ChatGPT in the long run. The possibilities that multi-modal function unlocks in the edtech sector…
In Beta podcast: Assessment and learning
http://inbetaphysio.com/2023/06/29/31-assessment-and-learning/ In this conversation, Ben and I had discuss the assessment process, linking it to broader themes of learning, curriculum design, and student experience. We talk about the centralisation of assessment and explore the tensions between institutional control and the autonomy of teachers. We discuss student satisfaction and the influence of risk aversion in educational…
When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object
TL;DR (generated by Claude, lightly edited by me). The rise of abundant expertise in the form of generative AI questions the university monopoly on expertise provision and validation. Leadership in the creative deployment of AI for learning, teaching, and assessment will require a change in mindset and a shift towards a new paradigm, which universities…
Weekly digest (24-30 Jul 2023)
A collection of resources and courses to learn about AI. Elements of AI Elements of AI is a series of free online courses created by MinnaLearn and the University of Helsinki. We want to encourage as broad a group of people as possible to learn what AI is, what can (and can’t) be done with…
Link: I wanted to be a teacher but they made me a cop
Via Dave Nicholls’ Paradoxa Substack. Mastroianni, A. (2022, December 13). I wanted to be a teacher but they made me a cop. https://www.experimental-history.com/p/i-wanted-to-be-a-teacher-but-they “I have a second job, which is evaluation, or gatekeeping, or, most specifically, point-guarding. I’m supposed to award “points” based on what students do in my class. Students try to acquire as…
Weekly digest (17-23 Jul 2023)
It feels like there’s been a change in the general feeling towards AI in higher education, at least from my perspective. There’s a movement towards recognising that: I wouldn’t have thought we’d see such a quick change in direction, especially from higher education institutions, which typically take a long time to adapt. Granted, there are…
In Beta podcast on generative AI and assessment
It’s been a long time since Ben and I sat down to record something for the In Beta podcast, but I think this episode on Generative AI is a good one. As usual, Ben asks some great questions that really push me to think about what I’m thinking. This was a wide-ranging conversation that explored…
Link: Should your publications be web books?
https://electricbookworks.com/thinking/publishing-websites-for-impact/ This is such a great post from Arthur Atwell at Electric Book Works. I have so many thoughts on how I want to use these ideas, but the main one is that all of our teaching materials should be web-first. I’ve captured the list, but you really should read the full post by Arthur.