Tag: Complexity
Weekly digest 25
A weekly collection of things I found interesting, thought-provoking, or inspiring. It’s almost always about higher education, mostly technology, and usually AI-related.
In Beta podcast: Digital health and learning
Last week I met with Joost van Wijchen to brainstorm a joint session we’re offering on an Erasmus+ funded Blended Intensive Programme on Digital Health. We recorded the session for later reflection but decided to also publish it as a podcast. Here’s a great outline that Joost very generously put together, covering some of the…
Why I think that AI-based grading in education is inevitable.
A few days ago I commented on an article that discusses the introduction of AI into education and why teachers shouldn’t worry about it. I also said that AI for grading was inevitable because it would be cheaper, and more reliable, fair and valid than human beings. I got some pushback from Ben on Twitter…
If you can’t explain it simply…
Sometimes I get frustrated with colleagues who seem to think that the more complicated they can make an idea sound, the more intelligent they must be. I can’t think of another reason why they would obfuscate what they’re trying to say. I spend a lot of time trying to simplify what I’m talking about, although…
Adding complexity for its own sake
I was discussing a PhD project with a colleague at the HELTASA conference a few weeks ago and she was describing her plan to me. She’s interested in the possibilities that mobile technology brings to higher learning, specifically in nursing education. I gathered that she was talking about mobile as a combination of hardware and…
The Internet is here to stay
Quote from Alec Couros‘ blog post, “It’s not going away“: We live in complex, media-rich, connected environments. As adults, we have built these spaces for our kids and set them up in situations where I’ve heard members of our generation exclaim, “I’m sure glad Youtube or Facebook didn’t exist when I was a kid!” But…
Jan Herrington’s model of Authentic learning
A few days ago I met with my supervisor to discuss my research plan for the year. She suggested I look into Jan Herrington’s work on authentic learning so I thought I’d make some notes here as I familiarize myself with it. To begin with, there are 9 elements of authentic learning (I believe that in…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-17
@Suhaifa it’s an easy walk, easier than lions head, don’t stress 🙂 # Daily Papert http://t.co/vJQhrNh4. We can’t solve the world’s problems with the same thinking that created them # Critical Thinker Explains Skepticism vs. Cynicism http://t.co/Zmxh81m9 via @zite # RT @engadget: MobiUS smartphone ultrasound hits the market two years too late for relevancy http://t.co/DaWRQqXo…
Complexity theory: learning in unfamiliar contexts
The following are notes I took while reading Fraser, SW & Greenhalgh, T. (2001). Coping with complexity: educating for capability. During the past 6 months or so I’ve found myself thinking more and more that the way we teach health professionals (at least, in my experience) has had too much of a focus on technical…