Category: PhD
Alternative ways of sharing my PhD output
“Online journals are paper journals delivered by faster horses” – Beyond the PDF 2 I’ve started a process of creating a case study of my PhD project, using my blog as an alternative means of presenting and sharing my results. Most of the chapters have already either been published or are under review with peer-reviewed journals, so…
PhD project using design research
I’m supposed to be submitting my thesis in about 3 weeks time, so obviously I’m getting distracted by anything that means I can avoid that nightmare. Which is why I spent about an hour this morning making this nice flowchart. Putting complex things into pictures makes them easier for me to understand, so making this…
Blended learning in clinical education
Later today I’m presenting a progress report on my PhD, at the UWC “Innovations in Teaching and Learning” colloquium. Here is the presentation: Blended learning in clinical education View more presentations from Michael Rowe.
Blogging taking a back seat for now
I’m in the process of writing up the final parts of my PhD and am hoping to submit a first full draft in August, in preparation for a final submission in November. I’m doing it by publication and so am focusing my attention on the last 2 articles I need to complete. I’ve published two,…
Results of the first round of my Delphi study
I’m away on a 3 day writing retreat where I’m trying to put together a full draft of the Delphi study that I’m busy wrapping up. I thought I’d take a break from writing and do something different (from writing, I mean). I took the full text of the open-ended responses from the first round…
The Delphi method in clinical research
Thank you to Conran Joseph for his contribution to this post. We began developing this content as part of another project that we’re working on (more to come on that later) and then extended it as I made notes for a paper than I’m writing for my PhD. Introduction The Delphi method was developed in…
Jan Herrington’s model of Authentic learning
A few days ago I met with my supervisor to discuss my research plan for the year. She suggested I look into Jan Herrington’s work on authentic learning so I thought I’d make some notes here as I familiarize myself with it. To begin with, there are 9 elements of authentic learning (I believe that in…
Workshop on facilitation techniques using the Conversational Framework
How do we get students to think more deeply about learning in an academic context? I’m giving a workshop later today. The idea is that we’ll get all of the facilitators who’ll be working on the module we’re designing (and which I’m evaluating for my PhD) and help them get a grip on the approach…
Challenging students’ conceptual relationships in clinical education
I just wanted to share a thought while preparing our case notes for the Applied Physiotherapy module we’re developing. One of the designers made a note of the “guideline answers” for facilitators to some of the questions that we might use to trigger students’ thinking. I wrote the following as a comment and didn’t want…
From “designing teaching” to “evaluating learning”
Later this month we’ll be implementing a blended approach to teaching and learning in one module in our physiotherapy department. This was to form the main part of my research project, looking at the use of technology enhanced teaching and learning in clinical education. The idea was that I’d look at the process of developing…
Developing case studies for holistic clinical education
This is quite a long post. Basically I’ve been trying to situate my current research into a larger curriculum development project and this post is just a reflection of my progress so far. It’s probably going to have big gaps and be unclear in sections. I’m OK with that. Earlier this week our department had…
Results of my Delphi first round
I’ve recently finished the analysis of the first round of the Delphi study that I’m conducting as part of my PhD. The aim of the study is to determine the personal and professional attributes that determine patient outcomes, as well as the challenges faced in clinical education. These results will serve to inform the development…
TEDxStellenbosch: designing spaces
A few months ago I attended TEDxStellenbosch at Spier wine farm near Stellenbosch. It was one of the better TEDx events I’ve been to during past few years and I enjoyed it immensely. During the day I re-tweeted comments from other participants, mainly as a record of speakers and the comments that resonated with me.…
“Reading” less and thinking more
“It may seem counter-intuitive that at a time when we know more than we have ever known, we think about it less.” I spend an enormous amount of time reading, a lot of it online using RSS feeds. I used to think that I was pretty good at filtering the content to find what was…
Complexity theory: learning in unfamiliar contexts
The following are notes I took while reading Fraser, SW & Greenhalgh, T. (2001). Coping with complexity: educating for capability. During the past 6 months or so I’ve found myself thinking more and more that the way we teach health professionals (at least, in my experience) has had too much of a focus on technical…
Blended learning in clinical education (AMEE presentation)
This is the presentation that I gave at the AMEE conference earlier today. It’s the results of a systematic literature review I did as part of my PhD, where I looked at the use of blended learning in clinical education. The abstract doesn’t give much information owing to the fact that I had to be…