Tag: peer evaluation
Now might be a good time to stop “teaching students”
There’s a lot of anxiety among health professions educators right now as they try to move classes and entire courses online. They weren’t trained to do this, have little experience doing this, and many may not even want to do this. Hardly an inspiring thought. And I found myself agreeing with them. They didn’t sign…
Teaching and learning workshop at Mont Fleur
applied physiotherapy, assessment, clinical education, concept mapping, conceptual relationships, content, curriculum development, evaluation, feedback, graduate attibutes, healthcare education, intended learning outcomes, learning, learning outcomes, module development, mont fleur, organising knowledge, peer evaluation, phd, physiotherapy, research, rubrics, scientific method, self-assessment, solo taxonomy, stellenbosch, structured observation of learning outcomes, teaching, teaching activity, teaching and learning, workshopA few weeks ago I spent 3 days at Mont Fleur near Stellenbosch, on a teaching and learning retreat. Next year we’re going to be restructuring 2 of our modules as part of a curriculum review, and I’ll be studying the process as part of my PhD. That part of the project will also form…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-22
Researching then and now http://t.co/o9XqgCz. Great points on the importance of careful, deliberate reading in research # Out of Africa http://t.co/jl9d1EX. Educational innovation in resource constrained environments # Agile learning: How ‘making do’ can evolve into ‘making good’ | ALT Online Newsletter http://t.co/sNbaI1L # Scaffolding in Complex Learning Environments: What we have gained and what…