Tag: social presence
Using the Community of Inquiry in online learning environments
I’m in the process of putting together a workshop for the facilitators of one of our modules that we’re restructuring in order to use a blended learning approach. Here are the notes that I’ve been putting together on the Community of Inquiry (CoI) for the workshop. Bear in mind that these notes are my attempt…
HELTASA conference, 2011 – day 2
Cape Peninsula University of Technology, case-based learning, cbl, collaborative groupwork, community of inquiry, conceptual threshold crossing, conflict management, control, conversational framework, cput, discourse, disruption, disruptive technology, emotional resilience, epistemology, garrison, gilly salmon, groupwork, hard technology, heltasa, heltasa11, heltasa2011, higher education learning and teaching association of south africa, interpretive boundaries, laurillard, learning events, learning management system, liberalism, lms, nelson mandela metropolitan university, online learning, online presence, Ontology, pbl, piet naude, port elizabeth, postgraduate supervision, power, problem based learning, public good, scientism, small group learning, social presence, soft technology, student wellbeing, teaching presence, transformative change, troublesome encounters, utilitarianismExplaining, naming and crossing border in Southern African higher education Prof Piet Naude This was one of the most challenging presentations I’ve ever listened to. I didn’t agree with a lot of what Prof Naude said, but he made me question my own beliefs and biases. Ontology: language is the house of reality (language…
AMEE conference, 2011 (day 1)
Today was the first day of AMEE 2011, and a great start to my first international conference. Here are the notes I took. Donald Clark – 21st century medical learning “Death of the compliant learner” – almost all of my students are compliant, I hope Clark doesn’t buy into the idea that all of today’s…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-11
Is More Zen, Less Plus The Way to Go? http://ow.ly/1uqHOf. “Zen mode” in WordPress helps you to focus on writing # Google Plus Feature Request: Automatic Circles http://ow.ly/1uqH4n # Learning with ‘e’s: Seven reasons teachers should blog http://bit.ly/pVV9A8 # Reasons teachers don’t blog http://t.co/VKLcLIS # OER@UCT | Excellent video explaining Creative Commons http://bit.ly/qzgJFI # Sage…
Posted to Diigo 05/21/2010
Plearn Blog – Online presence What do I mean by presence, and why do I think that it is relevant to PLEs? 1. Presence as social richness Communications are expected to somehow express the ‘social, symbolic, and nonverbal cues of human communication’, which is of course difficult in an online environment. 2. Presence as realism…