Tag: learning management system
Stop thinking of the LMS as an online classroom
I’ve seen so many criticisms of online teaching, where it’s accused of not being as interactive / lively / engaging as a F2F classroom experience. There are many potential reasons for this experience, but the main one, IMO, is that the person using the LMS doesn’t realise that online teaching and learning is SO much…
After they graduate, students will never again use Blackboard (or any other LMS)
One of the biggest issues I have with asking students to use Blackboard is that they won’t ever use it after they graduate. It seems weird that we would spend 3–4 years getting them proficient with a tool that no-one outside higher education uses. Wouldn’t it make more sense if all the tools we used…
Using email as a learning management system
First of all, we should stop calling things like Moodle and Canvas “learning management systems”. At best they’re content, or student management systems. Pet peeve out the way? Tick. I’ve been advocating for low-tech solutions to the problem of remote teaching and learning ever since I noticed how many people seemed to be pushing for…
Pitches for The Conversation: Africa
I’ve been wanting to contribute to The Conversation: Africa for ages and have only recently been able to put together a few pitches for the articles I’d like to write. If you’ve never heard of The Conversation, it’s a wonderful attempt to get academics to write thought-pieces that are more accessible to the general public…
Posted to Diigo 06/10/2010
Mohamed Amine Chatti’s ongoing research on Technology Enhanced Learning: Deficiencies in Current TEL Models The view of knowledge as an object that can be stored and reused makes that what is presented as learning management is simply content management under a new label Information is explicit knowledge that is easily expressed, captured, stored and reused…
Posted to Diigo 05/25/2010
1027. No Grading, More Learning « Tomorrow’s Professor Blog Turn over grading to the students in the course “It was spectacular, far exceeding my expectations,” she said. “It would take a lot to get me back to a conventional form of grading ever again.” she found that it inspired students to do more work, and…
Misunderstanding the conversation around teaching with technology
I’ve been going through the collection of abstracts from last year’s HELTASA conference, looking for a citation for a poster presentation that I’d like to use for an assignment. This gave me an overview of the event that I didn’t pick up on while I was there, as I tend to focus on individual presentations…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-11
The Year Ahead for IT in Higher Education http://bit.ly/5VHk2q # Just found out I got a scholarship for #geekretreat. This is what I’m thinking about http://bit.ly/4Flsqc # I’m ideologically against content management systems but Moodle 2 looks interesting…platform, rather than application http://bit.ly/8Rt5A1 # The Quantified Patient on Vimeo http://bit.ly/4zXRlY # A New Diigo Vision and…
Learning Management Systems
I’ve been to a few conferences and presentations in the last few months, and there seems to be this idea that e-learning is all about putting your lecture notes and Powerpoint slides into your institution’s Learning Management System (LMS) and then you’re done. Now you can say that you use “e-learning” in your teaching practice.…