Tag: e-learning
Digital literacy in an international sample of physiotherapy students
This is one of the presentations that I recently gave at the 2016 SAAHE conference. Digital literacy of an international group of physiotherapy students from Michael Rowe
Activity Theory, Authentic Learning and Emerging Technologies
For the past few years I’ve been involved in an NRF-funded research project looking at the use of emerging technologies in higher education. One of the products of that collaborative project was an edited book that has recently been published. Professor Denise Wood, one of the editors, describes the book on her blog: This edited…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-16
in Digest@alexisangelus hey alexis, sorry meant to DM that link to you # eLearning / Education Conferences in Southern Africa 2012 http://t.co/HdUwxpDB # Game AIs http://t.co/nl68kD3Q #
Posted to Diigo 06/18/2010
Gilly Salmon’s Five Stage Model: a useful referrence « Mollybob Goes To School Salmon’s model moves away from the increasingly dated notion that the effective eLearning can be achieved through static learning objects (Downes 2005), and takes a social learning perspective with particular emphasis on communities of practice, providing a framework to support Wenger’s assertion…
Notes on podcast from Stephen Downes
I thought I’d make some notes while listening to this podcast interview from Stephen Downes., where he talks about personal learning environments, problems with e-learning and open vs. closed educational content. ———————————— Mentions Plearn as part of the opening discussion and bio. What is a PLE? Compares LMS to PLE. LMS is based around the…
Misunderstanding the conversation around teaching with technology
I’ve been going through the collection of abstracts from last year’s HELTASA conference, looking for a citation for a poster presentation that I’d like to use for an assignment. This gave me an overview of the event that I didn’t pick up on while I was there, as I tend to focus on individual presentations…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-28
@physiopedia Nice idea, looking forward to the results 🙂 in reply to physiopedia # The state of e-learning from 2009? Mostly disappointing, by Tony Bates http://bit.ly/8Tyr0K. I agree with most of what he says # Powered by Twitter Tools
Learning Management Systems
I’ve been to a few conferences and presentations in the last few months, and there seems to be this idea that e-learning is all about putting your lecture notes and Powerpoint slides into your institution’s Learning Management System (LMS) and then you’re done. Now you can say that you use “e-learning” in your teaching practice.…
HESS conference: a summary of my thoughts
OK, so I’ve been back for a few weeks now and have had a little bit of time to gather my thoughts regarding the HESS conference, and thought I’d make a note of some of the highlights from my limited perspective. If anyone from the conference feels that I’m way off the mark, feel free…
HESS conference (day 2)
Day 2 of the HESS conference is over. I gave my presentation first thing this morning and it seemed to go down well. A few people had some nice things to say, which is always nice to hear. Sometimes I think I’m so far behind what other people are doing, then you get a day…
The Tower and the Cloud
Just a quick pointer to what I think is going to be a great read. “The Tower and the Cloud” is a new publication by EDUCAUSE, which looks at the impact of cloud computing on higher education. The book is divided into broad sections, each containing several chapters, with each chapter written by a different…