Tag: saahe
Short podcast series on health professions education in South Africa
A few years ago I initiated a project in SAAHE where I started interviewing recent PhD graduates to promote the work being done in South African health professions education. I realised recently that I hadn’t captured that series here as part of my portfolio, so I’ve posted it here for my own records.
An introduction to artificial intelligence in clinical practice and education
Two weeks ago I presented some of my thoughts on the implications of AI and machine learning in clinical practice and health professions education at the 2018 SAAHE conference. Here are the slides I used (20 slides for 20 seconds each) with a very brief description of each slide. This presentation is based on a…
SAAHE podcast 01 – Patient-centredness, with Elize Archer
I recently launched a new SAAHE initiative where we have conversations with people doing interesting work in health professions education. In this conversation, I talk to Elize Archer, a recent PhD graduate from the University of Stellenbosch. Elize conducted her research on patient-centred approaches to clinical practice among medical students. In our conversation, we discuss…
Digital literacy in an international sample of physiotherapy students
This is one of the presentations that I recently gave at the 2016 SAAHE conference. Digital literacy of an international group of physiotherapy students from Michael Rowe
Open Online Courses in Health Professions Education: A systematic review
This is the presentation that I gave at the recent SAAHE conference in Port Elizabeth. Open Online Courses in Health Professions Education: A systematic review from Michael Rowe
SAAHE 2016 conference
in ConferenceI usually post my notes after a conference but this year at SAAHE I mainly used Twitter to keep track of my thoughts during the sessions, which was great because we probably saw more activity on Twitter in PE than ever before. Here is the conference feed using the #saahe2016 hashtag. Note : While it’s great that…
Design principles for blended learning environments: a presentation
I’m going to be at the 2015 SAAHE conference for the next couple of days, which is being held in association with The Network: Towards Unity for Health. Yesterday I gave a workshop on Setting up and running an open online course, as well as a presentation on developing Design principles for blended learning environments.…
Starting new projects and catching up with old ones
It’s been a long time since I’ve updated my blog, for a few very good reasons. The first and most important is that in the middle of last year my daughter was born. I took time out from as many non-essential work-related activities as possible so that I could spend time with her whenever I could. During…
My presentation at the 2014 SAAHE conference
Here is the presentation I plan on giving at the SAAHE conference tomorrow. It describes an open online course that I ran in collaboration with Physiopedia last year, and now presents some of the results obtained from student interviews.
2014 SAAHE conference in Cape Town
One of the reasons that I’ve been quite on this blog lately is that I’m working on the SAAHE 2014 organising committee, and we’re starting to gear up for the conference in a little over a month. I thought I’d write a little progress update, just in case you’re considering registering but hadn’t made up…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-25
RT @rikusmellet: RT @PaulaBarAsh: Dr McMillan: 92% SA schools don’t have functioning libraries. #SAAHE # RT @paulabarash: Dr Evans: replies= visit radiography, make friends with Nurses they know a lot, go to Paeds -kids always want to have fun # RT @paulabarash: Dr Evans: asked students what the learning opportunities on the ward were when…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-18
Here are the keynote speakers for #saahe12 http://t.co/iR5MDWYA # Looking forward to the SAAHE conference in Bloemfontein coming up in a week. Make sure to follow #saahe12 # Hypocrisy in the Profession of Education http://t.co/EQMe7XzX # The demise of the Impact Factor: The strength of the relationship between citation rates and IF is down… http://t.co/E7enutNU…
Research plan for 2011
I’ve just been asked by one of my supervisors for my research goals for 2011. This will include my own work, as well as planning how our undergraduate and Masters students’ work might feed into some of the bigger projects. The first goal I have for 2011 is to submit 2 articles based on my first…
Reflections on SAAHE 2010
The SAAHE conference has come and gone for the 3rd year running. It’s been an interesting and engaging 3 days, and since I’ve already posted all my notes, these are just a few thoughts on what it’s like having a conference in South Africa. And it’s the last post, I promise. To get the negative…