Tag: artificial intelligence
The Coming Wave, by Mustafa Suleyman
I enjoyed this for it’s exploration of the potential near-term impact of advanced technology, AI in particular, on society.
One week until the Physiopedia MOOC on AI in Physiotherapy
There’s one week left before the start of the Physiopedia MOOC on AI in Physiotherapy. You may want to register if you think this is something that might affect your practice in the future.
Blended Intensive Programmes on Digital Health and AI
ai, artificial intelligence, assignment, BIP, Blended Intensive Programme, digital health, digital health technology, European Commission, genAI, health intervention, healthcare technology, online learning, personal organisation, personal productivity, professional education, prompting, student modility, workshopDuring April-May, I participated in two Blended Intensive Programmes at Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão, coordinated by Antonio Lopes, in collaboration with European physiotherapy schools. These programmes combined short-term physical mobility abroad and online components, featuring topics like digital health technologies, responsible AI use in education and research, and generative AI workshops.
BIP AI – AI fundamentals and prompting
In this workshop for the Blended Intensive Programme on AI in education and research, Antonio Lopes, Hugo Santos and I introduce generative AI models and techniques for effective prompting. Participants explored responses across chatbot platforms to compare nuances in AI outputs. The workshop provided a practical foundation for understanding and harnessing generative AI capabilities.
BIP AI – AI for organisation and communication
In this workshop for the Blended Intensive Programme on AI in education and research, Antonio Lopes, Hugo Santos and I explore the transformative potential of integrating generative AI into personal and professional workflows for academics. Practical use cases demonstrate how AI can streamline tasks, from constructing lecture outlines to drafting emails. The workshop provides a…
BIP AI – AI in research: Opportunities and challenges
In this Blended Intensive Programme on AI, Guillem Jabardo and I explore the potential of generative AI to support all stages of the research process. However, while extremely powerful, these tools still have limitations, necessitating critical review. The ability of generative AI to augment human cognition represents a paradigm shift for academia.
BIP AI – AI in education: Opportunities and challenges
In this Blended Intensive Programme on AI, Pedro Chana and I talk about the opportunities and challenges for AI in education. The presentation covered how AI can enhance learning through personalised experiences, virtual assistants, and generative AI, while also addressing challenges like academic integrity, inaccuracies, and teaching methodology adjustments.
Pint of Science presentation: With great power comes great ambiguity
On May 14th, at the Lincoln Pint of Science festival, I’ll discuss AI’s potential and ethical dilemmas in higher education. My talk, “With great power comes great ambiguity,” will mix practical examples with theoretical insights. Tickets are available for those nearby.
In Beta podcast: Generative AI in health professions education
#33 – Generative AI in health professions education In this conversation, Ben and I speak to Lambert Schuwirth to get his take on the impact of generative AI in health professions education. The conversation covers the development of HPE-Bot from a pedagogical perspective; the potential impact of generative AI on HPE teaching, learning, and assessment;…
Podcast – Breaking Boundaries: Democratizing Scientific Knowledge Using AI
https://www.cognitiverevolution.ai/breaking-boundaries-democratizing-scientific-knowledge-using-ai-with-gabe-gomes-of-coscientist/ Gabe Gomes, Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, discusses Democratizing Scientific Knowledge using AI. They talk about Coscientist, the first non-organic, intelligent being to design, plan, and execute a chemistry experiment. They explore the benefits and concerns of using AI in science, the potential of AI in generating synthesis protocols, the value of automation…
Link: Solo is an AI-based website builder from Mozilla
I don’t doubt that AI-supported services like this will become commonplace. Don’t know how to build a website? AI will help. Don’t know how to build an app? AI will help. Don’t know how to write a business plan? AI will help. And so on, in every area of our lives. This is also part…
AI for research – African Doctoral Academy
I gave this presentation on AI in research for participants at the African Doctoral Academy. I highlighted the fact that generative AI as a sophisticated tool that predicts text and generates coherent multimodal content. The presentation discussed AI’s potential in roles like idea generation and data analysis, its current limitations like bias, and emphasised the…
Open-access textbook: AI for teachers
https://www.ai4t.eu/textbook The link takes you to a page to download the open-access textbook on AI for teachers. The book is available in a range of formats (PDF, epub, etc) and in multiple languages. An Erasmus+ K3 project designed by France, Slovenia, Italy, Ireland and Luxembourg to contribute to training on AI in education for and…
On the ethics concerns around requiring students to use AI
Note: I wrote this over the course of a busy day full of meetings. At the end of the day I just wanted to get it out there. I’m not sure that I’m fully on board with the arguments, but the thing that I love about blogs is that it doesn’t matter. So these are…
Link: AI Pedagogy Project
https://aipedagogy.org/ The AI Pedagogy Project (by metaLAB at Harvard) provides educators with a collection of resources in 3 parts: The project aims to encourage creative and critical engagement with AI in education through assignments and materials inspired by the humanities. There is also a collection of sample assignments (see below) from educators to spark informed…
When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object
TL;DR (generated by Claude, lightly edited by me). The rise of abundant expertise in the form of generative AI questions the university monopoly on expertise provision and validation. Leadership in the creative deployment of AI for learning, teaching, and assessment will require a change in mindset and a shift towards a new paradigm, which universities…
Podcast: Michael Webb on whether AI will soon cause job loss, lower incomes, and higher inequality — or the opposite
https://80000hours.org/podcast/episodes/michael-webb-ai-jobs-labour-market/ Host Luisa Rodriguez interviews economist Michael Webb of DeepMind, the British Government, and Stanford about how AI progress is going to affect people’s jobs and the labour market. They cover: