Tag: accreditation
When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object
TL;DR (generated by Claude, lightly edited by me). The rise of abundant expertise in the form of generative AI questions the university monopoly on expertise provision and validation. Leadership in the creative deployment of AI for learning, teaching, and assessment will require a change in mindset and a shift towards a new paradigm, which universities…
AMEE conference (day 2)
accreditation, AMEE, AMEE11, anatomy course, athol kent, clinical competencies, collaboration, competence, dental students, distance education, Distance Learning, encyclopaedia, fictional city, gaming in education, global medical education, global medicine, globalisation, interanationalisation, international medical education, language, learning resources, lexicon, life-long education, life-long learning, mobile devices, mobile learning, portfolios, professional culture, reflective journals, self-directed learning, virtual city, virtual clinical encounterThese are the notes I took on the second day of AMEE. One of the things I noticed is that in most of the presentations the speakers talk about “doctors”, and that little is said about “health professionals”. There seem to be few people here who understand that effective healthcare can only be delivered by…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-15
in Digestaccreditation, android, backchannel, buddypress, cape town, clifton, community of practice, copyright, crap detection, curriculum, degree, educational reform, engagement, free content, freedom, george siemens, goats, higher education, howard rheingold, iphone, jisc, learning technology, lessig, managing information, microblogging, microecop, mobile learning, network, nexus one, ocw, oer, open courseware consortium, open educational resources, p2pu, pbl, peer to peer university, personal learning environments, ple, pop quizz, presentations, problem based learning, twitter, university of the western cape, uwc, web 3.0, wordpress mu@ryantracey Agreed. The process, rather than the certificate, should be emphasised # RT @wesleylynch: Video comparing iphone and nexus – http://ow.ly/17iBb. Can’t imagine how the iPhone will survive, Android is already better # RT @psychemedia: Are Higher Degrees a waste of time for most people? http://bit.ly/buKpOW. IT professionals are hardly “most people” # University finds…