Tag: leadership
Institutional AI policy or classroom AI policy?
I’ve been thinking about the challenges of developing an institution AI policy for staff use in the classroom, and the longer I reflect on it, the more I think that it can’t work. An institutional policy is a set of guidelines, rules, or principles govern operations, activities, procedures, etc. They are often legally binding and…
When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object
TL;DR (generated by Claude, lightly edited by me). The rise of abundant expertise in the form of generative AI questions the university monopoly on expertise provision and validation. Leadership in the creative deployment of AI for learning, teaching, and assessment will require a change in mindset and a shift towards a new paradigm, which universities…
Example: Using ChatGPT to generate ideas for authentic and innovative assessments, based on workplace requirements
I copied the content of an advert for a physiotherapy post in the NHS. The exact content of the post doesn’t matter, as the process below will work for most jobs in most sectors. The idea is that you take a posting for a real job in your professional domain, and then ask the language…
Comment: Developing medical artificial intelligence leaders
This is an open-access Really Good Stuff article from the journal Medical Education. I was excited to read it as I thought it might provide some useful ideas for some of my teaching, but I was disappointed in the evaluation of the project. Machine learning applications are increasingly used in medicine. The demand for ‘augmented…
Comment: Why South Africa will find it hard to break free from its vicious teaching cycle
There are standards that professionalise teaching and standards that simply manage teachers. While standards which professionalise create cultures of collegiality, expertise and pride among teachers, standards that manage can leave them feeling brow-beaten, untrusted, and demotivated. Robinson, N. (2019). Why South Africa will find it hard to break free from its vicious teaching cycle. The…
The incentives to create effective teams are all wrong
I just finished a meeting where I realised that the incentives provided for academics are all wrong (if you assume that having an effective department is a goal). If we want departments to be excellent (however you define excellence) we must accept that they can only get to that point if the staff work together…
Quote| Leading is risky business
“And every day you must decide whether to put your contribution out there, or keep it to yourself to avoid upsetting anyone, and get through another day. You are right to be cautious. Prudence is a virtue. You disturb people when you take unpopular initiatives in your community, put provocative new ideas on the table…
SAFRI: Introduction, teams and leadership
Today was the first day of the first SAFRI residential session in Cape Town, where SAFRI is the Southern Africa FAIMER Regional Institute, and FAIMER is the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research. We spent today working through a few activities that served as an introduction, both to the programme and to each…