Michael Rowe

Trying to get better at getting better

What I’m working on now

This is where I keep an up-to-date list of the things I’m working on right now. I’ve had an offline ‘Now’ file for a few years but have never considered putting one here until I read this post from Derek Sivers.

Last updated: 16 Sep 2024.

This website

Ever since I started this blog (on 05 June 2008) I’ve treated it as a bit of a scratchpad; a dumping ground for links, passing thoughts, bits and pieces of things that interested me, and every now and again, something that I put effort into.

I’ve recently decided that, by putting just a bit more effort into each post, I can update the site to make it a more useful resource. This is going to take ages though, as I have almost 1600 posts to date. So it’ll be an ongoing project for the foreseeable future.


I’m working on presentations for the following upcoming talks:

  • Oct-Nov: Physiopedia Plus MOOC on AI for rehabilitation workers.
  • 06 Nov: FAIMER – AI in Health Professions Education and research.
  • 16-17 Nov – Keynote and workshop on AI in physiotherapy (Goa, India).
  • 19-21 Nov – Workshop on AI in physiotherapy (Tartu, Estonia).
  • Late Nov – Workshop on AI in physiotherapy (Lugano, Switzerland).

You can find my previous presentations here.

Digital innovation

I have a bit of an awkward dynamic with the work I’m employed to do and the work I share here; there’s a significant overlap and it’s really hard for me to differentiate between them. This is just a simple list of the bigger pieces of work I’m involved with at the university, as it has some relevance here.

  • Guiding school policy on generative AI in learning, teaching, and assessment, and supporting faculty development.
  • 360 virtual reality filming, including the development of internal capacity to do this work in-house in the future.
  • Starting up a simulation programme (almost) from scratch.
  • Implementing a digital transformation project
    • Phase 1: Move all internal documentation from all the different places it was collected, into a new digital infrastructure.
    • Phase 2: Use the new infrastructure to support more efficient and effective workflows.
    • Phase 3: Explore opportunities for automation of tasks and information flow.
  • Support staff in the school with blended learning.

Head space

I’m working on a new course for Head space on the topic of generative AI for academics. This is off the back of a few months updating the site (mostly the library) and fixing a ton of paper-cut bugs that have been bothering me for a while.

In Beta

I’ve just finished converting the past four years of newsletters into blog posts and will now begin the process of updating them (newsletters have slightly different formats to blog posts) and enhancing their metadata to make them more discoverable.

Ben and I have also tried to be a bit more disciplined with our podcast schedule this year, making sure that we release an episode per month. Our goal in January was to get ten episodes published in 2024.