Tag: LLM
Diminishing returns of LLMs doesn’t stop progress
Recent discussions about LLM diminishing returns suggest OpenAI’s next frontier model may not be significantly smarter than GPT-4. However, this plateau in intelligence doesn’t diminish the technology’s potential, as improvements can focus on making models cheaper, faster, smaller, and better at specific tasks rather than increasing raw intelligence.
People tend to overestimate their content value in LLM training
Mark Zuckerberg’s recent comments on AI training data sparked some debate about content value and compensation. While it’s true that individual contributions may have minimal impact on model training outcomes, the collective value of the content we create raises questions about societal compensation. However, I think that getting free access to powerful AI models serves…
My thoughts on the different generative AI tools I’m using
TL;DR Here are is my ranked list of suggestions, based on my own experiences and use-cases: Over the past year or so, I’ve been experimenting with a few different language models and image generators. Over time, I narrowed in on Claude, and wrote about my preference for using it over other options. A couple of…
Physio is a conversational AI agent to help with physical rehabilitation
Almeida, R., Sousa, H., Cunha, L. F., Guimarães, N., Campos, R., & Jorge, A. (2024). Physio: An LLM-Based Physiotherapy Advisor (arXiv:2401.01825). arXiv. http://arxiv.org/abs/2401.01825 Abstract “The capabilities of the most recent language models have increased the interest in integrating them into real-world applications. However, the fact that these models generate plausible, yet incorrect text poses a…
OpenChat is an open-source language model
in AIOpenChat is an open-source large language model being developed by a student team at Tsinghua University in China. In Dec 2023, OpenChat was GPT-3.5 equivalent, outperforming ChatGPT (Mar 2023) in some benchmarks i.e. the free version of ChatGPT, not ChatGPT Plus which is running GPT-4. Despite our simple approach, we are committed to developing a…
Follow-up prompts to generative AI responses
If your initial prompt isn’t specific enough, generative AI / Large Language Models can sometimes make assumptions about your level of understanding of the problem. In these cases, it can sometimes feel like you’ve hit a barrier because the response to your original question or instruction may not be helpful. In these cases you need…
Link: Self-Assembling Neural Networks Can Open New Directions for AI Research
https://bdtechtalks.com/2023/11/13/self-assembling-neural-networks-ndp/ Biological and artificial neural networks, despite their shared nomenclature, are fundamentally different. High-performing deep neural networks often demand significant engineering effort. In contrast, biological nervous systems evolve through a dynamic, self-organizing process that starts with a single cell. In a recently published paper, scientists at the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, have proposed the…
Link: AI Pedagogy Project
https://aipedagogy.org/ The AI Pedagogy Project (by metaLAB at Harvard) provides educators with a collection of resources in 3 parts: The project aims to encourage creative and critical engagement with AI in education through assignments and materials inspired by the humanities. There is also a collection of sample assignments (see below) from educators to spark informed…
What would Claude do?
Here’s another example of a different way to think about language models: ask it for concrete advice when you’re faced with a difficult decision. In particular, the kinds of decisions that need to integrate lots of context, many variables, with high levels of uncertainty, and high-stakes outcomes. The kinds of decisions that, even with the…
An AI-supported health professions tutor (and a brief comparison with Claude)
https://hpe-bot.com/ Update: For more information about the additional functionality of this bot, see this LinkedIn post by Lambert Schuwirth. The interface is a bit basic, and I haven’t played around with it much, but it seems to do a decent job with the kinds of questions I asked. Also, the premium account seems to offer…
Claude, help me to write
Yesterday I published a post describing my concerns with how universities are responding to the new paradigm of expertise-on-demand that’s facilitated by generative AI. At the end of that post I noted that I wrote it collaboratively with Claude, and this post describes what that process (kind-of) looked like. I also want to be clear…
When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object
TL;DR (generated by Claude, lightly edited by me). The rise of abundant expertise in the form of generative AI questions the university monopoly on expertise provision and validation. Leadership in the creative deployment of AI for learning, teaching, and assessment will require a change in mindset and a shift towards a new paradigm, which universities…
Helping students find the most creative, productive, and useful ways to include LLMs in their learning
I was in another meeting yesterday where the discussion turned to the ‘AI threat in assessment’. I can’t understand why we struggle to shift the focus of the conversation away from ‘threat’ and more towards ‘opportunity’. Every day I’m using Claude for more and more work that doesn’t involve generating content that I can pass…
Using LLMs to raise our expectations
Instead of spending so much of our time thinking about whether students 1) should use LLMs, 2) how much they use it, and 3) what they use it for, let’s just say that they should use it, a lot (IMO, the more, the better), and look more closely at what they use it for, and…
Podcast: Michael Webb on whether AI will soon cause job loss, lower incomes, and higher inequality — or the opposite
https://80000hours.org/podcast/episodes/michael-webb-ai-jobs-labour-market/ Host Luisa Rodriguez interviews economist Michael Webb of DeepMind, the British Government, and Stanford about how AI progress is going to affect people’s jobs and the labour market. They cover:
I tell my students to use language models to replace me
in AII know there’s a lot of concern about the potential issue of using LLMs like ChatGPT and Claude to write essays. And it’s true that there’s a risk they can be used for this. But I worry that we’re placing too much emphasis on a risk that I think largely misses the point, which is…
Claude, help me choose a career
Most people on the planet will need to make a series of decisions about how they are going to earn a living. And most people lack the networks and access to expertise to help inform those decisions in the best way. You might end up in a career because of social pressure, lack of opportunity,…