Tag: tutorial
Weekly digest 39
A weekly collection of things I found interesting, thought-provoking, or inspiring. It’s almost always about higher education, mostly technology, and usually AI-related.
Follow-up prompts to generative AI responses
If your initial prompt isn’t specific enough, generative AI / Large Language Models can sometimes make assumptions about your level of understanding of the problem. In these cases, it can sometimes feel like you’ve hit a barrier because the response to your original question or instruction may not be helpful. In these cases you need…
An AI-supported health professions tutor (and a brief comparison with Claude)
https://hpe-bot.com/ Update: For more information about the additional functionality of this bot, see this LinkedIn post by Lambert Schuwirth. The interface is a bit basic, and I haven’t played around with it much, but it seems to do a decent job with the kinds of questions I asked. Also, the premium account seems to offer…
I tell my students to use language models to replace me
in AII know there’s a lot of concern about the potential issue of using LLMs like ChatGPT and Claude to write essays. And it’s true that there’s a risk they can be used for this. But I worry that we’re placing too much emphasis on a risk that I think largely misses the point, which is…
Tutoring through large language models doesn’t need to be perfect
We know the gold standard for learning is one-to-one tutoring, where a more experienced expert providing focused guidance to a novice. This kind of apprenticeship model worked well for thousands of years, but doesn’t scale to meet the requirements of modern institutions. However, large language models and generative AI can provide reasonably high-level expertise in…
Example of a tutorial session with ChatGPT as the tutor
I wanted to do a little experiment using ChatGPT as a tutor, after coming across a project for building a personal AI tutor (see my last weekly digest). I’ve posted the transcript of the exchange below. A few points of interest I thought worth noting: When reading through the exchange below, remember that ChatGPT only…
New ‘Thinking in public’ video: This is not a tutorial
I started a YouTube channel in 2021 called Thinking in public, with the intention of sharing the practices I use as part of my academic work. From the channel description: I’m a teacher and researcher working in higher education, and I spend a significant part of my time trying to figure out how to be…
The Oxford tutorial: Interesting ideas for learning
Earlier this year, I tried a new approach in my Professional Ethics class. I start the class by introducing a concept that is relevant to the students’ professional development in the context of our ethics module. I link the concept to something current and relevant that we could anchor the weeks topic to. For example,…