Tag: prompt
Don’t sugar coat it
A prompt to get potentially more accurate (and also more concerning) responses from ChatGPT.
Generative AI can also generate prompts
It turns out that generative AI can also generate prompts. Anthropic have released a prompt generator that creates prompts based on your intent, which you can then edit and fine tune. More evidence that prompt engineering isn’t going to be an occupation. Sometimes, the hardest part of using an AI model is figuring out how…
Custom Instructions for ChatGPT
ChatGPT’s custom instructions allow you to add preferences or requirements that you’d like ChatGPT to consider when generating its responses. It’s super useful to include this information in the context frame so that you don’t have to keep telling the model what that context is. “ChatGPT will consider your custom instructions for every conversation going…
Follow-up prompts to generative AI responses
If your initial prompt isn’t specific enough, generative AI / Large Language Models can sometimes make assumptions about your level of understanding of the problem. In these cases, it can sometimes feel like you’ve hit a barrier because the response to your original question or instruction may not be helpful. In these cases you need…
Workshopping AI in higher education with students
I’m thinking about contributing to a workshop activity that involves students working on practical issues related to the implementation of AI-based services in higher education. Here are some ideas that I think might be worth exploring.
Claude, help me convert a process into a narrative
Recently I needed to provide a description of a process that we’re going to implement for an upcoming conference, but the process we’d developed in our meetings was written as a list i.e. short, incomplete sentences in bullet point format. We wanted to submit a narrative description so I took that outline and gave it…
A machine you are programming with words
An AI-supported health professions tutor (and a brief comparison with Claude)
https://hpe-bot.com/ Update: For more information about the additional functionality of this bot, see this LinkedIn post by Lambert Schuwirth. The interface is a bit basic, and I haven’t played around with it much, but it seems to do a decent job with the kinds of questions I asked. Also, the premium account seems to offer…
Claude, help me to write
Yesterday I published a post describing my concerns with how universities are responding to the new paradigm of expertise-on-demand that’s facilitated by generative AI. At the end of that post I noted that I wrote it collaboratively with Claude, and this post describes what that process (kind-of) looked like. I also want to be clear…
Claude, help me draft the outline of my academic paper
My last 2 posts have dealt with 1) the use of Claude to complete a peer review, and 2) how journals could include this process in their workflow. It follows that authors should be using LLMs as well. There are the obvious use cases; rephrasing passages, summarising, expanding, correcting, and so on. However, I think…