Tag: review
Claude, help me to write
Yesterday I published a post describing my concerns with how universities are responding to the new paradigm of expertise-on-demand that’s facilitated by generative AI. At the end of that post I noted that I wrote it collaboratively with Claude, and this post describes what that process (kind-of) looked like. I also want to be clear…
Using a weekly review to close open loops
In this video, I do a walk-through of the weekly review that I do every Friday afternoon. This weekly review is a sweep through my entire personal and professional life, where I try to wrap up everything that might cause me any worry after I leave work. My weekly review is basically a process of…
Twelve tips for getting your manuscript published
Cook, D. A. (2016). Twelve tips for getting your manuscript published. Medical Teacher, 38(1), 41–50. Getting the manuscript ready 1. Plan early to get it out the door. Write regularly – even if it’s for shorter periods – because it’s hard to find large blocks of time, which means that you don’t write very often.…
A review of 2019 and plans for 2020
One year ago today I posted some of the plans that I had for the year and this is a brief review of those plans, as well as starting to think about what I might get into for 2020. Writing: I managed to stick to my goal of writing every day with the caveat that…
The CONSORT guidelines for systematic reviews of RCTs
When I was at the WCPT conference last year I came across the CONSORT guidelines for the publication of systematic reviews of RCTS, which I’d never heard of before. I made a note to look it up and finally got around to doing it. I thought would be quite helpful in planning and carrying out…