Tag: lecture
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-02-27
@fifino9 I’ve been trying to make sure that I don’t spend all my time in front of the computer, trying to maintain balance 🙂 # Baking rolls https://t.co/ZCB3BJbs https://t.co/wUAOcPWM https://t.co/hZTuuJE7 # One of the most beautiful, inspirational videos I’ve seen in years http://t.co/i4pIvRF2 # http://t.co/1KCFjGlf # Making jam for Christmas presents. Strawberry/vanilla, and apricot/ginger. https://t.co/5YpJYEyn…
Ethics CPD lecture
As part of our commitment to continuing professional development (CPD) in South African healthcare, we’re required to accumulate 5 ethics credits every year. Yesterday I gave a presentation to the staff in our department in order to fulfill this requirement. It went quite well, although being my first time I felt pretty unprepared. I learnt a lot…
Manuel Castells lecture
I was fortunate to be able to attend a lecture on campus today, given by Manuel Castells, the renowned sociologist and one of the foremost scholars of communication in the information age. His talk was inspirational and quite personal, dealing with his own journey which was a treat, since apparently he rarely talks about much…