Tag: book
Book – Higher Education for Good
I recently came across Higher Education for Good: Teaching and Learning Futures, an openly licensed book co-edited by Laura Czerniewicz and Catherine Cronin. I haven’t read any of the book (yet) but it looks interesting. From the editors: The book sets out to confront, consider, and reimagine the challenges and opportunities of higher education in…
Thinking in Public: Self-publishing a book with Tom Jesson
After my last conversation with Tom, I wanted to speak with him again, about the process he went through to self-publish his book on cauda equina syndrome. Tom is what I would call an independent researcher, and I’m fascinated with how he’s carving out a scholarly niche for himself. Our conversation goes from Tom’s experimentation…
Weekly digest (14-18 Jun 2021)
This digest has an AI and machine learning focus because I’m preparing a presentation for the SAAHE conference next week, and my topic is Clinicians’ perceptions of the introduction of AI into clinical practice. It’s from an international survey I completed in 2019, mostly forgot about in 2020 (because, Covid) and am finally trying to…
Seven principles of learning
This is a short summary of a post by Scott Young that itself summarises the learning principles presented in Why don’t students like school, by Daniel Willingham. I’ve added the book to my reading list based on Scott’s recommendation. Here are the principles from Scott’s post (with some of my own comments in italics): Factual…
PSA: Peter Singer’s “The life you can save” is available for free
In 2009, Peter Singer wrote the first edition of The Life You Can Save to demonstrate why we should care about and help those living in global extreme poverty, and how easy it is to improve and even save lives by giving effectively. This morning I listened to an 80 000 hours podcast with Peter…
Book chapter published: Shaping our algorithms before they shape us
I’ve just had a chapter published in an edited collection entitled: Artificial Intelligence and Inclusive Education: Speculative Futures and Emerging Practices. The book is edited by Jeremy Knox, Yuchen Wang and Michael Gallagher and is available here. Here’s the citation: Rowe M. (2019) Shaping Our Algorithms Before They Shape Us. In: Knox J., Wang Y.,…
Activity Theory, Authentic Learning and Emerging Technologies
For the past few years I’ve been involved in an NRF-funded research project looking at the use of emerging technologies in higher education. One of the products of that collaborative project was an edited book that has recently been published. Professor Denise Wood, one of the editors, describes the book on her blog: This edited…
Manuel Castells lecture
I was fortunate to be able to attend a lecture on campus today, given by Manuel Castells, the renowned sociologist and one of the foremost scholars of communication in the information age. His talk was inspirational and quite personal, dealing with his own journey which was a treat, since apparently he rarely talks about much…