Tag: networked learning
In Beta podcast: Digital health and learning
Last week I met with Joost van Wijchen to brainstorm a joint session we’re offering on an Erasmus+ funded Blended Intensive Programme on Digital Health. We recorded the session for later reflection but decided to also publish it as a podcast. Here’s a great outline that Joost very generously put together, covering some of the…
Personal learning environments
Dominant design is the idea that, once a design has risen to prominence, all innovation will aim at improving it, rather than competing alternatives, regardless of whether the dominant design is better than the alternatives. The most commonly used example seems to be the QWERTY keyboard layout, which was implemented when typists would type fast enough…
Activity Theory, Authentic Learning and Emerging Technologies
For the past few years I’ve been involved in an NRF-funded research project looking at the use of emerging technologies in higher education. One of the products of that collaborative project was an edited book that has recently been published. Professor Denise Wood, one of the editors, describes the book on her blog: This edited…
I enjoyed reading (July)
Artificial Intelligence Is Now Telling Doctors How to Treat You (Daniela Hernandez) Artificial intelligence is still in the very early stages of development–in so many ways, it can’t match our own intelligence–and computers certainly can’t replace doctors at the bedside. But today’s machines are capable of crunching vast amounts of data and identifying patterns that…
Posted to Diigo 09/19/2010
in Digestactivities from various services, africa, data/semantic web, education, education disruption, educational systems, Europe, India, internet connectivity, Jon Dron, knowledge, knowledge infrastructure, large network, learning networks, learning systems, networked learning, North America, p2p, teaching and learning, technological infrastructureAfrica: Millenium Development Goals Knowledge in complex settings is a process of negotiation…an interplay of entities…a dance. And being knowledgeable in these settings requires an awareness of process and flow, not of being in possession of “knowledge” What has happened in journalism will also happen in education: breakdown of a single controlled narrative, increased role…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-24
in Digestafrica, apa style, blooms taxonomy, College Art Exhibit Celebrates, critical thinking, downes, drawing. solitude, e-portfolios, facebook, latin abbreviations, legitimate peripheral participation, lurking, nancy white, NASA HD, networked learning, podcasting, privacy, productivity, Professor, real-time collaborative word processing, research, saide, sketchpad, sync.in, Tony Bates, twitter, ubuntu, ubuntu unity shell, writing, xkcd, youtube, Zen HabitsAcademic Productivity » New paths to “research productivity” http://bit.ly/dBnPYO # Bloom’s Taxonomy. Useful illustration with additional information that may assist with implementation http://bit.ly/cAFYwr # The Cronk of Higher Education » College Art Exhibit Celebrates 30 Years of Boredom in Academia (humour) http://bit.ly/cBufLp # APA Style Blog: It’s All Latin to Me: Latin Abbreviations in Scholarly…