Tag: in beta
Weekly digest 37
A weekly collection of things I found interesting, thought-provoking, or inspiring. It’s almost always about higher education, mostly technology, and usually AI-related.
In Beta newsletter – Open Scholarship
Open scholarship should be about reshaping higher education, from open educational resources to open access journals. But in reality it is almost always positioned as a way to advance someone’s career. For example, publish in open-access journals to increase ‘reach’ and citations. We need another way to think about scholarship that looks beyond academia.
In Beta podcast: Remote-only physiotherapy management
https://inbetaphysio.com/2024/03/18/34-remote-only-physiotherapy-management/ I really enjoyed this conversation with Ben Gordon, a Boston-based physiotherapist who has been working almost entirely remotely since graduating about three years ago. From the shownotes: We explore the affordances of remote practice, such as improved access, convenience, and the potential for preventative care or wellness-based physiotherapy models that could scale more effectively.…
In Beta podcast: Generative AI in health professions education
#33 – Generative AI in health professions education In this conversation, Ben and I speak to Lambert Schuwirth to get his take on the impact of generative AI in health professions education. The conversation covers the development of HPE-Bot from a pedagogical perspective; the potential impact of generative AI on HPE teaching, learning, and assessment;…
In Beta podcast: Digital health and learning
Last week I met with Joost van Wijchen to brainstorm a joint session we’re offering on an Erasmus+ funded Blended Intensive Programme on Digital Health. We recorded the session for later reflection but decided to also publish it as a podcast. Here’s a great outline that Joost very generously put together, covering some of the…
In Beta podcast: Assessment and learning
http://inbetaphysio.com/2023/06/29/31-assessment-and-learning/ In this conversation, Ben and I had discuss the assessment process, linking it to broader themes of learning, curriculum design, and student experience. We talk about the centralisation of assessment and explore the tensions between institutional control and the autonomy of teachers. We discuss student satisfaction and the influence of risk aversion in educational…
Physiopedia courses on developing skills to support learning
During 2023 I prepared a series of courses for Physiopedia Plus, aimed at helping students develop skills to support their learning. These courses are an extension of the Learning to Learn In Beta project I started a few years ago. Here are the courses on Physiopedia Plus, which are are accredited in Australia, South Africa,…
Weekly digest (17-23 Jul 2023)
It feels like there’s been a change in the general feeling towards AI in higher education, at least from my perspective. There’s a movement towards recognising that: I wouldn’t have thought we’d see such a quick change in direction, especially from higher education institutions, which typically take a long time to adapt. Granted, there are…
In Beta podcast on generative AI and assessment
It’s been a long time since Ben and I sat down to record something for the In Beta podcast, but I think this episode on Generative AI is a good one. As usual, Ben asks some great questions that really push me to think about what I’m thinking. This was a wide-ranging conversation that explored…
In Beta newsletter: Scholarly podcasting
I just published a newsletter on In Beta, on the topic of scholarly podcasting. I think most people recognise that podcasts are a viable form of disseminating scholarly ideas, but few see it as a form of scholarship in its own right. A few years ago, I wrote a post called What does scholarship sound…
Weekly digest (22-28 May 2023)
I spent a lot of time this week experimenting with a range of software that we need for a new In Beta project that Ben and I are working on. I wasn’t sure if it was worth writing this process up, but figured it may be useful for someone else, so here goes. It’s also…
Announcement: In beta 2022 unconference
In 2019 Ben, Guillaume and I ran the first In beta unconference at HESAV in Lausanne, which was, in my opinion, a great success by any measure you choose. Thanks in part to the generous support of colleagues at HESAV we were able to run a 2 day meeting at no cost for any of…
Making websites feel more welcoming
My take is that the web could feel warmer and more lively than it is. Visiting a webpage could feel a little more like visiting a park and watching the world go by. Visiting my homepage could feel just a tiny bit like stopping by my home. Webb, M. (2020). Social attention: a modest prototype…
For students: The Learning to Learn project
Earlier this year I launched a small project in my department, called Learning to Learn. The aim of the project is to share and discuss with students a range of evidence-based techniques that improve their ability to learn. I realised that, for many of my students, learning was something that they were simply expected to…
Comment: Science conferences are stuck in the dark ages
…for decades the room has been the same: four walls, a podium, and a projector. PowerPoints today mimic the effect of a centuries-old continuous-slide lantern. Even when time is occasionally left for questions at the end of lectures, it’s still a distinctly one-way flow of information. Scientific posters are similarly archaic. Ngumbi, E. & Lovett,…
A review of 2019 and plans for 2020
One year ago today I posted some of the plans that I had for the year and this is a brief review of those plans, as well as starting to think about what I might get into for 2020. Writing: I managed to stick to my goal of writing every day with the caveat that…
The first In Beta “Experiments in Physiotherapy Education” unconference
in ConferenceThe In Beta project may seem to have been quiet for the last few months but the fact is we’ve been busy organising a two-day In Beta unconference that will take place on 14-15 May 2019 at HESAV in Lausanne, Switzerland. If you’re planning on going to the WCPT conference (10-13 May) and have an…
Reflections on the In Beta podcast and community
It’s been about a year and a half since Ben and I started the In Beta community (see my first post in July 2017) and I wanted to reflect on what we’ve achieved in the past 18 months or so. Here are the major aspects of the project with some statistics and my thoughts on…
In Beta and sunsetting consumer Google+
Action 1: We are shutting down Google+ for consumers. This review crystallized what we’ve known for a while: that while our engineering teams have put a lot of effort and dedication into building Google+ over the years, it has not achieved broad consumer or developer adoption, and has seen limited user interaction with apps. The…