Tag: seminar
The first In Beta “Experiments in Physiotherapy Education” unconference
in ConferenceThe In Beta project may seem to have been quiet for the last few months but the fact is we’ve been busy organising a two-day In Beta unconference that will take place on 14-15 May 2019 at HESAV in Lausanne, Switzerland. If you’re planning on going to the WCPT conference (10-13 May) and have an…
Workplace-based assessment
Yesterday I attended a workshop / seminar on workplace-based assessment given by John Norcini, president of FAIMER and creator of the mini-CEX. Here are the notes I took. Methods Summative (“acquired learning” that’s dominated assessment) and formative (feedback that helps to learn, assessment for learning) The methods below into the workplace, require observation and feedback…
Students’ languages and their associations
Our Directorate of Teaching and Learning has organised a series of seminars over the next few months, with invited speakers from a variety of institutions across the country. They’ll be presenting on a range of topics, including academic literacy, integrating technology into teaching, working with large classes, teaching practices, and educational theory. I’ll also be…
Assessment in an outcomes based curriculum
I attended a seminar / short course on campus yesterday, presented by Prof. Chrissie Boughey from Rhodes University. She spoke about the role of assessment in curriculum development and the link between teaching and assessing. Here are the notes I took. Assessment is the most important factor in improving learning because we get back what…
Mozilla Open Education course – Overview
cclearn, course, creative commons, education, education portal, Firefox, frank hecker, internet life, Mark Surman, mozilla, Mozilla camp Create, Mozilla Foundation, Mozilla technology, MozOpenEdCourse, oer, open content, open education, open educational resources, open licensing, open technology, p2pu, pedagogy, peer groups, peer to peer university, Peer University, philip schmidt, seminarWe had our first session of the Mozilla Open Education Course earlier this evening and it was pretty interesting. There were a few technical issues with sound but generally it was very well done. Thanks to everyone who made it possible. Here’s a few notes that I took during the session. I know the video…