Tag: oer
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-17
@Suhaifa it’s an easy walk, easier than lions head, don’t stress 🙂 # Daily Papert http://t.co/vJQhrNh4. We can’t solve the world’s problems with the same thinking that created them # Critical Thinker Explains Skepticism vs. Cynicism http://t.co/Zmxh81m9 via @zite # RT @engadget: MobiUS smartphone ultrasound hits the market two years too late for relevancy http://t.co/DaWRQqXo…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-30
Students’ Messages to Teachers. It’s important to connect with students on a personal level http://bit.ly/9Cv46i # Feedback: Negative, Positive or Both? http://bit.ly/cPFOwk # How Do You Measure the Effectiveness of Professional Development? First wait for the cycle to complete http://bit.ly/a1saPO # OER at UCT: From Project to Portfolio http://bit.ly/b54hQ3 # The Sci-Fi Guide to Dissertation…
Opencourseware Consortium panel discussion at UWC
Andy Lane, Archbishop, Chancellor, derek keats, Desmond Tutu, ethics, internet superstars, lecturer, Neil Butcher, OCW Consortium, oer, oer africa, open university, Opencourseware Consortium, p2pu, peer 2 peer university, Peer University, philip schmidt, south africa, United Kingdom, Vice-Chancellor, Wits UniversityLast Friday I was fortunate enough to attend 2 panel discussions on the use of OER in higher education. It was a bit of an occasion as one of the panels included a few board members of the Opencourseware Consortium (on a side note, UWC is a member of the OCW Consortium). This post is…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-15
in Digestaccreditation, android, backchannel, buddypress, cape town, clifton, community of practice, copyright, crap detection, curriculum, degree, educational reform, engagement, free content, freedom, george siemens, goats, higher education, howard rheingold, iphone, jisc, learning technology, lessig, managing information, microblogging, microecop, mobile learning, network, nexus one, ocw, oer, open courseware consortium, open educational resources, p2pu, pbl, peer to peer university, personal learning environments, ple, pop quizz, presentations, problem based learning, twitter, university of the western cape, uwc, web 3.0, wordpress mu@ryantracey Agreed. The process, rather than the certificate, should be emphasised # RT @wesleylynch: Video comparing iphone and nexus – http://ow.ly/17iBb. Can’t imagine how the iPhone will survive, Android is already better # RT @psychemedia: Are Higher Degrees a waste of time for most people? http://bit.ly/buKpOW. IT professionals are hardly “most people” # University finds…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-01
http://twitpic.com/10nta3 # RT @TechCrunch: iPad v. A Rock http://tcrn.ch/c9s4Pq by @arrington # @lvanblerk thanks for the comment, been looking into @Afrihost and been getting good feedback # Just spent 1 hour on phone with Telkom trying to sort ADSL, then got dropped. Considering moving to Afrihost…suggestions? # e4innovation.com » Blog Archive » New approaches to…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-09
“A domain of one%u2019s own”, Jim Groom discusses online / digital identity – http://j.mp/4jmNmD # Lessig calls for copyright rebellion from academics and scientists http://j.mp/2y4H2D # Times Higher Education – Laws of the academic jungle http://j.mp/3UuYPY # Times Higher Education – ‘There%u2019s no better job’ than a university professor http://j.mp/3UuYPY # Clive Thompson on the…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-17
educational-origami – Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy http://bit.ly/GMLtA # bjoern.brembs.blog: Why do we still publish scientific papers? http://bit.ly/5zv0X # Design and Technology Education: an International Journal http://bit.ly/kGVIV # Open educational resources in Africa http://bit.ly/2OcTm2 # A review of Manuel Castells “trilogy” of the information age http://bit.ly/gusW2 # Powered by Twitter Tools
Health OER Africa
Yesterday I attended the morning of a workshop around a Health OER Network for Africa that’s currently in development. It’s a project that’s sponsored by the South African Institute of Distance Education (SAIDE) and includes participants from all over the continent. The objectives of the workshop were to share lessons from the first phase of…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-22
Becoming a relational academic http://bit.ly/6IEsA # Academic Earth – The Human Brain and Muscular System, Great video lecture on anatomy (36 lectures available) http://bit.ly/mNMTp # Fascinating lectures on the nature of death, from Open Yale Courses. Plenty of other great content here http://bit.ly/E5w25 # Scholarly Teaching: A Model. Article by Trigwell, Martin, Benjamin and Prosser…