Tag: lecturer
Constructive alignment workshop
Constructive alignment workshop – Dr. James Garraway I attended a workshop this morning looking at constructive alignment, with the view to relating it to the work I’ll be doing on my PhD next year. The second of my objectives is to do an analysis of our undergraduate curriculum and then do a Delphi study evaluating…
Opencourseware Consortium panel discussion at UWC
Andy Lane, Archbishop, Chancellor, derek keats, Desmond Tutu, ethics, internet superstars, lecturer, Neil Butcher, OCW Consortium, oer, oer africa, open university, Opencourseware Consortium, p2pu, peer 2 peer university, Peer University, philip schmidt, south africa, United Kingdom, Vice-Chancellor, Wits UniversityLast Friday I was fortunate enough to attend 2 panel discussions on the use of OER in higher education. It was a bit of an occasion as one of the panels included a few board members of the Opencourseware Consortium (on a side note, UWC is a member of the OCW Consortium). This post is…
Reflections on improving teaching practice
Up until today, I was kind of maintaining 2 blogs…this one, and a reflective commentary that I included in my teaching portfolio wiki. The portfolio is something that our faculty suggests we keep for when we apply for promotion, etc. but I thought it could be something more. So when I started teaching in 2007, I…
Principles of good assessment
I attended an assessment and learning workshop today and while the presentations were informative, I just wanted to highlight the principles of good assessment taken from my faculty’s assessment policy. Since I don’t have a background in education, guidelines like these are incredibly useful when creating assessments for students. For me, just knowing about these…