Tag: abstract
Research project exploring clinicians’ perspectives of the introduction of ML into clinical practice
I recently received ethics clearance to begin an explorative study looking at how physiotherapists think about the introduction of machine learning into clinical practice. The study will use an international survey and a series of interviews to gather data on clinicians’ perspectives on questions like the following: What aspects of clinical practice are vulnerable to…
Abstract for RCTs in educational research
There seems to have been a resurgence in calls for the use of systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials in educational research lately. There’s a lot to like (in my opinion) about RCTs in certain contexts because of how they are designed. For example, when you want to figure out the effect of variable A on…
Posted to Diigo 03/27/2010
Write good papers a good 4-sentence abstract is: (1) state the problem (2) say why it is interesting (3) say what your solution achieves (4) say what follows from your solution. Mohamed Amine Chatti’s ongoing research on Technology Enhanced Learning: TEL is NOT a Technology Issue In my eyes, the challenge is not to mimic…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-21
ERN – Networks, CCK09, Memory, Google, Britannica, Location, Immediacy http://bit.ly/1sWDBu # RT @jamesparks101: take a look at this wordle project http://tinyurl.com/n8bsxt # Wordle – Beautiful Word Clouds. Might be useful to determine relative weighting in a document e.g. a CV, or abstract http://bit.ly/NLWzM # @pixlr Been playing with Firefox plugin. Very nice, especially screen capture…
First article published
I just had my first research article published. It’s based mainly on the literature review I did for my Masters degree last year, with a few updates. It’s strange, but when I submitted it about 6 months ago, I thought it was a reasonable piece of work. Reading it now, I feel like taking it…
Blogging downturn
This term has been a bit mental so far, which is why I’ve cut back considerably on the blog. Between clinical supervision, preparing for exams, extra courses and research, I’m finding it hard to keep up. It’s not permanent and once things have slowed down, I’ll get back into it. Here’s a brief update on…
Conference: Higher education as a social space
I just found out that the abstract I submitted for the Higher Education as a Social Space conference has been accepted. I’ll be presenting a paper on the use of ICT by physiotherapy students in South Africa, based on the results of my Masters thesis. The conference will take place in Grahamstown from the 30…