Tag: ICT
Misunderstanding the conversation around teaching with technology
I’ve been going through the collection of abstracts from last year’s HELTASA conference, looking for a citation for a poster presentation that I’d like to use for an assignment. This gave me an overview of the event that I didn’t pick up on while I was there, as I tend to focus on individual presentations…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-11
The Year Ahead for IT in Higher Education http://bit.ly/5VHk2q # Just found out I got a scholarship for #geekretreat. This is what I’m thinking about http://bit.ly/4Flsqc # I’m ideologically against content management systems but Moodle 2 looks interesting…platform, rather than application http://bit.ly/8Rt5A1 # The Quantified Patient on Vimeo http://bit.ly/4zXRlY # A New Diigo Vision and…
First article published
I just had my first research article published. It’s based mainly on the literature review I did for my Masters degree last year, with a few updates. It’s strange, but when I submitted it about 6 months ago, I thought it was a reasonable piece of work. Reading it now, I feel like taking it…
Conference: Higher education as a social space
I just found out that the abstract I submitted for the Higher Education as a Social Space conference has been accepted. I’ll be presenting a paper on the use of ICT by physiotherapy students in South Africa, based on the results of my Masters thesis. The conference will take place in Grahamstown from the 30…