Tag: reflective tool
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-28
in Digestandroid, bafana bafana, blind watchmaker, cent, chrome extensions, collaborative keynote, creative commons, daemon, daniel suarez, diaspora, digital cop, digital storytelling, distributed social network, e-portfolios, engaging students, eric mazur, Flora Sandes, formspring.me, Google, Google Docs, google moderator, google scholar, hootsuite, human rights, ICT, Jake Shimabukuro, Knysna, linux, lms, lurkers, medical educaiton, ocr, oer, online learning, Online Learning May Slightly Hurt Student Performance, open knowledge, optical character recognition, p2pu, plagiarism, reading, reflective blogging, reflective tool, richard dawkins, RT, scribd, social networking project looks, social networks, twitter, webicina, wikis, world cupThe SA Fallacy: Open Knowledge Foundation Gets It Wrong | iterating toward openness http://ht.ly/23xnD # Reading “The blind watchmaker”, Dawkins does for evolution what Sagan did for physics # Summary of Eric Mazur’s presentation on using technology to engage students http://ht.ly/23oMz # The darn drop outs and lurkers. Suggestions to address the issue ay P2PU…
Blogging downturn
This term has been a bit mental so far, which is why I’ve cut back considerably on the blog. Between clinical supervision, preparing for exams, extra courses and research, I’m finding it hard to keep up. It’s not permanent and once things have slowed down, I’ll get back into it. Here’s a brief update on…
SAAHE ’09: abstract for oral presentation
Here’s the abstract I submitted for SAAHE ’09. It was submitted for consideration in the Innovations and work in progress category. Title The use of blogging as a reflective tool in physiotherapy ethics. Context The use of social software in higher education facilitates collaborative learning practices and mirrors the social constructivist principles of education by…
Reflective blogging assignment
A few months ago, I wrote about the use of blogging as a reflective tool. I’ve since developed an assignment for the Professional Ethics in Physiotherapy module I teach, in which students will blog as a form of reflection on some of the topics we cover in class. Every student will then read every other…
Blogging as a reflective tool
As part of their clinical placements (short term working placements in either hospitals or health clinics), the students in our department must write reflective pieces on their time at the placement where they look at things like their strengths, weaknesses, learning opportunities and clinical situations that raised issues for them. This reflection is usually a…