Tag: slideshare
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-04
My latest SlideShare upload : Blended learning in clinical education http://t.co/5f1IWQQF via @slideshare # RT @clin_teacher: The Clinical Teacher app has passed 1000 downloads in 58 countries. Thanks if you’ve tried it out http://t.co/Ju7FbLPR #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-23
in DigestJust upgraded my HTC Hero to Cyanogen 6.1 (Android 2.1). Its faster, prettier, less buggy & altogether a better experience # @PMintkenDPT: @mpascoe @timothywflynn what we say and what patients hear are not always the same (I think the same thing about students) # @PhThCentral: @timothywflynn Physical Therapists, quit using words that scare your patients…or…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-09-27
in Digestalt2010, ALT2010 Learning Technologist, America, apgar, assessment, blended learning in clinical education, connective learning, diigo, facebook, Gardner Campbell, Gardner Writes, Google, Jonathan Kozol, mendeley, RT, slideshare, social web, teaching and learning, technology enhanced learning, tweets, twitter, world university rankings, zotero@cristinacost: Times HigherEd reports on winning ALT2010 Learning Technologist of The Year http://ht.ly/2ICPV. Congrats. Again 🙂 # @amcunningham I use Diigo, but only 2 track my own reading with the highlight feature (it posts content I read to my blog). U did respond 🙂 in reply to amcunningham # @amcunningham I’m in the process of…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-09-20
in Digestafrica, african education, alpha, android, blended learning, clinical education, cool site, Distance Learning, dropbox, facebook, george siemens, Google, irrodl, learning management system, learning styles, lms, networked learning, oer, Online Research, open data, open research, open teaching, personal learning environment, phd, ple, plenk2010, presentation, research, RT, slideshare, snapp, social networks, south africa, student network visualisation tool, The Chronicle, The Complete Android Guide, thuthuka funding, trailmeme, twitter, visible thinking, wcpt congressRT @Glinner: The secret. Is the incorrect use of. Puntuation. RT @KrystalSim International Talk Like Christopher Walken Day…brilliant 🙂 # RT @davecormier: #PLENK2010 post http://bit.ly/c6M0Em PLEs – disaggregate power, not people # RT @paullowe: The Cognitive Surplus of a conference revisited – more reflections on #del10 http://ow.ly/2Grlz #altc2010 # RT @NancyWhite: Very cool site about…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-26
in Digestacademic publication, africa, Albert Einstein, America, android, API, assessment, bamboo, bill burdick, Brazil, curricular alignment, david wiley, derek moore, digital divide, Distance Learning, Eaton, extended web, facebook, final research products, francois cilliers, generic skills, george siemens, graduate attributes, herman von rossum, India, Inside Higher Ed, Internet Runs Out of Addresses, iphone, IPv4, IPv6, irrational nonsense, Japanese forest, kewl, lecturer in the physiotherapy department, Mellville, mendeley android app, Mendeley Open API!, myspace, online community, Online Community Guide, open access, open source tools, ORT, pdf, personal learning environments, phd, physiotherapy, ple, portfolios, presentation, private server, research, RT, safri, scientific american, scientist, scribefire, slideshare, Social Learning Networks, southampton, steve wheeler, supervisor, systematic review, teaching and learning policy, times magazine, transformative learning, twitter, United States, web 3.0, weblearning, webx, wikisRT @sguilana: the web doesn’t forget, an article at NY times magazine worth reading: http://is.gd/dHIl9 # RT @wesleylynch: Awesome – need this on a t shirt – RT @jacquesmillard: the periodic table of irrational nonsense http://ow.ly/2gbQb. # Podcast with George Siemens on Social Learning Networks: from theory to practice http://bit.ly/9fCUQa # Teaching for Transformative Learning…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-21
in Digestamerican internet, Animation, author, backchannel, blooms digital taxonomy, BP, cars writing model, cent, Co-operative, collaborative learning, e-learning, facebook, Fast Company, FIFA, gilly salmon, Google, Google Docs, Google Earth, google search story, Harvard, http, Internet stars, journals, learning management system, lms, meego, mendeley, michael wesch, new media, oer, online world, open educational resources, otter trail, peer review, personal learning environment, player, ple, plearn, presentation, privacy, publication, reading, research, RT, Running stable, sajp, Salford, slideshare, social learning roles, social media, south africa, stephen downes, steve wheeler, swot analysis, tagxedo, twitter, uct, vygotsky poster, wordpress 3.0, world cup, world cup 2010, youtubeRT @dreamingspires: RT @stevesilberman: First time I’ve seen the phrase “the American Internet.” http://bit.ly/anZeIc # RT @barrykayton: Reading Blooms Digital Taxonomy v2.12 on Scribd http://scr.bi/cBGHrj #readcast # From Knowledgable to Knowledge-able: Learning in New Media Environments, by Michael Wesch http://bit.ly/daChh2 # Gilly Salmon’s 5 stage model of e-learning http://bit.ly/c1MKHB # Social Media Explained Visually «…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-14
in Digestaugmented reality, david warlick, david wiley, digital objects, e-learning, e-reader, freemind, george siemens, gliffy, Google, Google Docs, google wave, grahame attwell, head, http, John Underkoffler, kno, lawrence lessig, live blogging, M Rowe – Social Networks, meego, Mexico, michael wesch, Mike Wesch, netbook, Official, Online Diagram Software, open education, openstreetmap, personal learning, ple, presentations, reading, reflective learning, slideshare, social networks, space shuttle, Stellenbosch University, stephen downes, tedxnyed, Tips & Tricks, twitter, user interface design, Viva Bafana, vuvuzela, wikipedia, wikipedia logo, world cup 2010, Writing PlannerMilitary Grade Augmented Reality Could Redefine Modern Warfare http://tinyurl.com/259rkgl # I LOVE the #vuvuzela Never before has the crowd been so integrated into the game as they are at #wc2010 # Twitter not so good for #wc2010 commentary if you’re not watching the games, but damn, some of the comments are funny, especially tonight 🙂…
Google Translate: when small things make a big difference
I’ve never really had the need to use Google Translate. Most of the content I come across is in English, and if it isn’t I’ve never read it and so never realised what I was missing out on. Earlier today I came across Ilona Buchem via a post from Stephen Downes, pointing out a presentation…
Facilitating Communities of Practice in the Network Era
Amy Jo Kim, Barry Wellman, community, community of practice, cop, etienne wenger, game mechanics, gaming in physiotherapy, george siemens, granovetter, howard rheingold, john david smith, legitimate peripheral participation, Lilia Efimova, lpp, manuel castells, nancy white, online communities, online community, Online companion, online groups, online interfaces, online social networks, pdf, physiotherapy, referral systems, slideshare, Sociological Theory, strength of weak ties, virtual communityTwo days ago I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to attend a workshop at UCT facilitated by Nancy White (1), who co-wrote Digital habitats: stewarding technology for communities (2) with Etienne Wenger and John David Smith. Presentation slides from the workshop can be downloaded / viewed here. Unfortunately, I could only stay for…
Can established research methodologies cope with social media?
Yesterday I was talking to my supervisor about how I’m having difficulty designing a protocol for my systematic review. The guidelines I’m looking at are very good for designing a structured process for searching through the literature, but they’re not very good at helping me to define a search that includes social media. The JBI…
Is blogging the “new” lifestream?
A little while ago I was wondering what platform I could use to aggregate my various online properties (Flickr, Delicious, Twitter, etc.) in a so-called “lifestream” and someone suggested that Friendfeed might be feasible. I looked into it for a while, but couldn’t commit to it because something didn’t feel right about using one service…
Proposal presentation
In our department, we’re required to present our research proposals for comment before submission to Higher Degrees. This allows the group to give feedback before final corrections in the hope that the proposal is accepted without having to make major revisions. I’ve just shared my proposal presentation that I gave a few days ago on…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-07-13
Put 3 conference presentations on SlideShare a few days ago, why didn't I think of this before? http://bit.ly/NnQA3 # Spent 3 days on a writing retreat with no internet, wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Was productive, got a draft of a publication done # International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and…
Sharing documents and profiles
I’ve been meaning to play around with Scribd for a while now but never felt I had anything useful to put up. After uploading some conference presentations on Slideshare a week ago and seeing the steadily climbing views, I finally decided to get a few abstracts together and upload them publicly. You can see them…
My presentation at SAAHE 2009
My presentation at SAAHE looked at the use of blogging as a tool to facilitate ethical and clinical reasoning among final year physiotherapy students in my department. The abstract is available here, and I’ve shared the presentation slides on Slideshare. You can either view it online, or download it. I’ve shared it under this Creative…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-19
@axolote I agree, technical problems will always happen. Sometimes it can be avoided, often not. Such is life. Breathe deeply and relax 🙂 in reply to axolote # Some differences between online and offline education strategies. Presentation on Slideshare http://bit.ly/i8CzM # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-01
in Digestbit.ly, blogging, ebp, education, mcmaster, micro-blogging, net generation, online textbooks, open courseware, open wiki, peer to peer learning, questionnaire development, reflective practice, rehab+, scientific american, semantic web, slideshare, social media, storytelling, tim berners-lee, tweets, twitter, web 2.0, wikiversityReflective practise and assessment at http://bit.ly/kgj1c # Social media applied to online-only university, open courseware and peer-to-peer learning http://bit.ly/pQXsX # Nice explanation of the semantic web by Tim Berners-Lee, in Scientific American (2001), so a bit old but still good http://bit.ly/e40PA # A matrix of uses of blogging in education, prepared by Scott Leslie in…
Some activity at last
It’s been a pretty busy morning so far, catching up on all the feeds that I’ve neglected over the past month or so. Here’s a list of a few things I found that might be interesting to you. Found Academic Earth, an online repository of video lectures by international scholars, which could be a useful…