Tag: cop
SAAHE conference, 2011 – day 3
Today was the last day of the SAAHE conference. Coming as it did immediately after a week of the SAFRI programme, I can’t say I’m not glad it’s over. It’s been an amazing experience though, mostly as a result of the wonderful health educators I’ve been fortunate enough to meet. Here are the last of…
Posted to Diigo 08/12/2010
Brian Holmes’ research blog: Online learning Communities – Annotated Communities are not always healthy contexts for learning Simply labelling a group as a community neither ensures that it functions as one, nor that it is a beneficial, cohesive unit in which learning will take place readily Riel and Polin propose a typology of three ‘distinct…
Posted to Diigo 05/16/2010
elearningeuropa.info “PLEs are more a methodology or an approach to technology enhanced learning than an application.” the introduction of e-learning led to a reverse in pedagogic innovation I tend to think that knowledge is best shared and developed through communities of practice. Communities of practice as Etienne Wenger says are based on a shared repertoire…
Posted to Diigo 05/05/2010
Edublogers as a Network of Practice | Virtual Canuck a Community of Practice (CoP) was defined by Wenger as a tightly knit group of colleagues engaged in a shared practice (within the same or similar firm or organization); who meet regularly (usually face-to-face) and share common understandings and language. The CoP members support each other,…
Posted to Diigo 05/03/2010
Cloudworks – Keynote: Wenger and Engström – An open dialogue of keynotes’ theoretical perspectives accountability is the key word in understanding the politics of the CoP – Wenger puts his finger on it – accountability is the key word in understanding the politics of the CoP Network scientists at Harvard: Nicholas Christakis, Laura Bogart, Martin Nowak…