Tag: simulation
Weekly digest 41
A weekly collection of things I found interesting, thought-provoking, or inspiring. It’s almost always about higher education, mostly technology, and usually AI-related.
Weekly digest 37
A weekly collection of things I found interesting, thought-provoking, or inspiring. It’s almost always about higher education, mostly technology, and usually AI-related.
Instructors as innovators
This paper provides concrete examples of prompts and exercises that cover different pedagogical approaches – simulation, critique, co-creation, mentoring and tutoring. These can serve as a starting point for educators to experiment with AI in their classrooms as part of a pedagogically-informed approach.
In Beta podcast: Generative AI personas in physiotherapy education
In this conversation Leanne Wiles and Dean Walker discuss how they used generative AI tools like Claude and ChatGPT to simulate patient interactions for students in physiotherapy education, enhancing their communication and reasoning skills. Students interacted with AI personas portraying diverse health scenarios. The practice proved immersive and effective, displaying significant potential for flexible educational…
Virtual clinical simulation scenarios
I’m working with the VR team at Realmdigital to explore simulation scenarios for interactive clinics in virtual reality.
Using Claude to create patient personas for health professions education
Health professions education aims to provide students with practical clinical experience and skills in person-centred care before graduating, and simulated patient interactions are a potential teaching method. However, these interactions can be resource-intensive and expensive, especially if actors are included. AI assistants like Claude provide a scalable alternative for role-playing dialogue. This post describes the…
Example: Using ChatGPT to generate ideas for authentic and innovative assessments, based on workplace requirements
I copied the content of an advert for a physiotherapy post in the NHS. The exact content of the post doesn’t matter, as the process below will work for most jobs in most sectors. The idea is that you take a posting for a real job in your professional domain, and then ask the language…
Comment: Opening up a physics simulator for robotics
When you walk, your feet make contact with the ground. When you write, your fingers make contact with the pen. Physical contacts are what makes interaction with the world possible. Yet, for such a common occurrence, contact is a surprisingly complex phenomenon. Taking place at microscopic scales at the interface of two bodies, contacts can…
SAAHE conference, 2011 – day 3
Today was the last day of the SAAHE conference. Coming as it did immediately after a week of the SAFRI programme, I can’t say I’m not glad it’s over. It’s been an amazing experience though, mostly as a result of the wonderful health educators I’ve been fortunate enough to meet. Here are the last of…