Tag: communication skills
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Primary Care
The rapid advancement of AI in primary care is outpacing professional expectations. A 2019 study showed GP skepticism about AI’s potential in diagnosis and patient interaction. However, recent developments like Google DeepMind’s AMIE demonstrate AI’s superior performance in these areas, highlighting the need for the medical field to adapt quickly to technological changes.
In Beta podcast: Generative AI personas in physiotherapy education
In this conversation Leanne Wiles and Dean Walker discuss how they used generative AI tools like Claude and ChatGPT to simulate patient interactions for students in physiotherapy education, enhancing their communication and reasoning skills. Students interacted with AI personas portraying diverse health scenarios. The practice proved immersive and effective, displaying significant potential for flexible educational…
Assessing teams instead of individuals
Patient outcomes are almost always influenced by how well the team works together, yet all of the disciplines conduct assessments of individual students. Yes, we might ask students who they would refer to, or who else is important in the management of the patient, but do we ever actually watch a student talk to a…