Tag: social network
We don’t need global-level conversation platforms
Instead of more sessions on how to use Twitter to build community (a conversation that’s been going since Twitter launched), I would have liked to see more thoughtful and critical discussion around the use of social media for HPE at the AMEE conference. For example, this piece by Cal Newport, where he questions the idea…
Using social media to build learning communities
I was in a session earlier where one participant asked about the inevitable disintegration of social media platforms, and how the #AcademicTwitter / #MedEd social media communities might respond. I thought it was a good question, although I was skeptical about much of the conversation that followed. The consensus seemed to be that social media…
I deleted my Twitter account
I deleted my Twitter account about a week ago, but I’ve waited a bit to see if I regretted the decision. There’s a 30-day cooling off period and I didn’t want to write this post, then realise that I’d made a mistake, and recover the account. But the fact is, I don’t miss it at…
Learning communities and the problems that matter
Social media platforms are currently based on mass audience models that leverage network effects – you go there because that’s where everyone else is. But I don’t think that this mass audience model is useful anymore, especially if you’re interested in working on important problems. In this new model, users don’t want to connect with…
Posted to Diigo 07/24/2011
Don’t tell teachers how to act on Facebook, says union | Education | guardian.co.uk “conduct their relationships with pupils professionally and appropriately both in school and out of school” and base their relationship with pupils on trust and respect. contempt for the views of the profession” and pointed out that fewer than 1% of registered…
Using social networks to develop reflective discourse in the context of clinical education
My SAFRI project for 2010 looked at the use of a social network as a platform to develop clinical and ethical reasoning skills through reflective discussion between undergraduate physiotherapy students. Part of the assignment was to prepare a poster for presentation at the SAAHE conference in Potchefstroom later this year, which I’ve included below. I…
Thoughts on social networking with 3rd year physio students
Earlier this week I ran a workshop with our 3rd year physio students, as part of my SAFRI project where I’m looking at how participation in a social network can impact reflective learning practices in a community. Unlike the other workshops I’ve run, I’m going to be running this assignment, which will see the students…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-10
in Digestandroid, BP, couros, ethics in practice, gnome, Google, google editions, group work, Harvard, htc, htc hero, HTC Hero Smartphone, kde, Launch E-Book Store, Laura Bogart, Law Librarian, Martin Nowak, networks, Nicholas Christakis, ning, pdf, podcasts, RT, screenr, social network, twitter, ubuntu, wenger, wordleNing Announces New Pricing Model, Free Nings for Teachers…but they can still take it away anytime they want http://tinyurl.com/2g6evay # Law Librarian Blog: Moving Beyond the Ubiquitous PDF for Durham Statement Compliance http://bit.ly/c7f7XR # RT @pgsimoes: Simple but gr8… RT @retorta: The Clever Sheep: Top 20 Uses for Wordle http://ow.ly/1ABMY # RT @gsiemens: sentences you…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-05
the lost art of solitude http://zenhabits.net/2010/04/solitude/ # @dkeats I use #hootsuite almost exclusively because everything I tweet is from the browser, so its already open. Besides, #AIR sucks # RT @openended: Ubuntu 10.10 to be codenamed Maverick Meerkat – http://arst.ch/hyt # RT @barrykayton: Just uploaded nine short video interviews about Cognician: http://bit.ly/9NIv77 #cognician # The…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-29
in Digestassessment, citation, cross platform, Cross-platform reference manager, earth hour, facegbook, Google, google wave, last lecture, learning, learning habits, linux, literacy, mendeley, mozilla contacts, Mozilla Labs, net generation, oer, open accreditation, paperpile, podcasting, Professor, randy pausch, research methods, RT, screenr, social media, social network, students, telemedicine, twitter, Web Illiteracy, wikipediaScreenr – Create screencasts and screen recordings the easy way, includes posting to Twitter http://bit.ly/9t6uLh # Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » Contacts in the Browser http://bit.ly/bsQnr9 # RT @davidworth: RT @brad_bett: High-Tech Cheating Abounds, & Professors Bear Some Blame: Chronicle of Higher Education http://bit.ly/bOuBCA # RT @cristinacost: …Am I right to assume we need…
Personal attachment to research
Yesterday I had a meeting with my supervisor to discuss the assignments I’m going to run as part of the first objective of my PhD. Together with a systematic review and a survey, I was interested in using student and staff participation in a social network to derive additional data that would help me form…