Tag: supervisor
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-20
in Digestactive learning, africa, bamboo, books, clinical trials, data visualisation, educational technology, engagement, history, informal knowledge, lunar eclipse, mendeley, network, opencourseware, phd, pln, podcasts, pomodoro, reading, research, research whisperer, supervisor, surgery, teaching philosophy, writingMendeley goes open http://ow.ly/1tTg3t # Books Everyone Should Read http://ow.ly/1tTfS6 # VLT Survey Telescope snaps out-of-this-world photos with 268-megapixel camera http://ow.ly/1tSyUs # Surgery podcasts go viral http://ow.ly/1tSxxI # Be like the bamboo http://ow.ly/1tSxut # Visualizing Facebook Groups at UCT http://ow.ly/1tSxhV # My Teaching Philosophy http://ow.ly/1tSx4p # The Rise of Informal Knowledge and the Teacher’s Evolving…
The role of feedback in medical education
This reflection on the role of feedback in education is based on a mailing list discussion as part of the SAFRI programme, as well as on a few of the assigned readings. I thank the organisers of the session, as well as all the participants in the conversation. Guidelines for effective feedback The assigned readings…
Discussion on research supervision
In my department we have bi-monthly research meetings, where we report back on our research activities (we get dedicated research time and so need to account for how we’ve used that time). We’ve recently changed the format of the meeting to include a topical discussion or presentation, rather than simply reporting progress back to the…
“Objectivity” in educational research
Earlier today I had a productive meeting with one of my supervisors where, in addition to updating her on my progress, we discussed my reluctance to get “too involved” in my research projects. This is something I’ve touched on before and will probably continue returning to it during the course of my research. I come…
SAFRI: drafting the proposal
Day 2 of the first residential session felt really productive, although I’m not sure if that was because I worked hard or because I spent most of the day staring at my tiny netbook screen (I love my NC10 but it’s definitely not for 8+ hour shifts). Before beginning this session, each of use had…
Research development workshop: writing a proposal
These are some of the notes I made during the presentation on preparing a proposal, but include some points that relate to the general process of conducting research There are 3 things a proposal should try to address: What? – What contribution will this research make? What is it about? What do you want to…
Research development workshop: why do research?
I’m attending a research development workshop on campus for all staff members who are just beginning their PhD’s. I’ll post my notes here as we progress. Why engage in research? It’s expensive (manpower, finance, cost, equipement) Dependent on motivation, commitment, hard work, ability, enthusiasm BUT… It enhances learning and intellectual development of staff Keeps staff…