Tag: physiotherapist
Please comment on the IFOMPT Generative Conversations discussion document
This post is an invitation to the wider physiotherapy community, asking colleagues to comment on a discussion document aimed at stimulating conversation about generative AI in the profession.
Rejected AMEE abstract (oral presentation) | Is ‘being human’ enough? Preparing for clinical practice in the age of artificial intelligence
See this brief post on my reasons for sharing rejections. Introduction Identity is central to our understanding of the health professions, and much of professionaleducation revolves around this core value. The introduction of artificially intelligent tools (AI-based systems) into clinical practice has led to resistance in the face of perceived threats to clinician autonomy (Jussupow…
The role of feedback in medical education
This reflection on the role of feedback in education is based on a mailing list discussion as part of the SAFRI programme, as well as on a few of the assigned readings. I thank the organisers of the session, as well as all the participants in the conversation. Guidelines for effective feedback The assigned readings…
Some thoughts on assessment in the Ethics module
This post is a result of a few short notes I made on my phone a few months ago, and then forgot about. I came across it the other day and thought I’d put it up here. The way we currently assess students has no equivalent in practice. For some of our modules (e.g. Management),…
assignment, community-based healthcare settings, education, ethics, Google, google sites, healthcare system, human rights, Ireland, learning outcomes, management, module, online presence, physiopedia, physiotherapist, physiotherapy, Royal College of Surgeons, south africa, university of the western cape, Western Cape, wikiOver the last week I’ve given my fourth year physiotherapy students 2 assignments to be completed over the next few months. Here is a basic rundown of each. The first assignment is part of the continuous evaluation for the Management module I teach. The students must create a website for a (fictional) private physiotherapy practice.…
Downtime and OpenPhysio
I’m on holiday for a couple of weeks so I’ll probably be posting less than usual, although I’ll still try to put up anything that’s vaguely interesting. I’m going to try and put some work into OpenPhysio, adding more articles and improving the ones already available (up to 61 articles so far). While the project…