Tag: faimer
Weekly digest 46
A weekly collection of things I found interesting, thought-provoking, or inspiring. It’s almost always about higher education, mostly technology, and usually AI-related.
Generative AI in Health Professions Education – FAIMER Connect Continued Learning
The second session of the FAIMER Connect Continued Learning series explored the impact and potential of generative AI in the fields of health professions practice, education, and research.
Coming to terms with generative AI – FAIMER Connect Continued Learning
Generative AI is transforming healthcare and education, offering unparalleled access to expertise across multiple knowledge domains. In this FAIMER Connect Learning series presentation, I explore its potential and challenges, from effective prompting to skills gap reduction. As AI reshapes professional practice, working with it as a collaborative partner is going to be key to successful…
Weekly digest 33
A weekly collection of things I found interesting, thought-provoking, or inspiring. It’s almost always about higher education, mostly technology, and usually AI-related.
Faculty member on FAIMER Brazil (2014)
I’m spending a week in Fortaleza, Brazil as part of the FAIMER-Brazil programme for 2014. FAIMER is an international programme aimed at developing capacity in medical education and research, especially in developing countries. There are regional institutes in South Africa, Brazil, India and China, and the main organisation in Philadelphia. I was here in 2013…
FAIMER Brazil: Initial thoughts
I was lucky enough to be invited as a guest Faculty member for the FAIMER Brazil residential sessions in Beberibe (near Fortaleza, Brazil) from 23 February – 6 March. FAIMER is an international programme aimed at developing capacity in medical education and research around the world, and includes an institute in South Africa (SAFRI), where I am…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-05
I will be giving a short presentation as part of my contribution to the SAFRI session currently being held in Cape… https://t.co/5JFyW8L4 # Busy with SAFRI 2012 but had to get out for a walk today https://t.co/B6j0tZUp # A summary of some really innovative ideas in the education space http://t.co/7dHljHNk # Born This Way Foundation:…
SAFRI 2011 (session 2) – day 4
Reliability and validity Validity Important for assessment, not only for research It’s the scores that are valid and reliable, not the instrument Sometimes the whole is greater than the sum of the parts e.g. when a student gets all the check marks but doesn’t perform competently overall e.g. the examiner can tick each competency being…
SAFRI 2011 (session 2) – day 2
“Teach” a group of colleagues about “Assessment”. Here are some notes I took in preparation for a 5 minute teaching session What is assessment? “Defines for students what is important, what counts, how they will spend their times and how they will see themselves as learners. If you want to change student learning, then change…
SAFRI 2011 (session 2) – day 1
A few days ago we began the second SAFRI* session of 2011, which will lead into the SAAHE conference** later in the week. Every day I take notes and will try to put them up as we go along bearing in mind that a lot of what we do is workshop-based. The notes are a…
SAFRI: conflict resolution
Someone told me that the SAFRI programme had changed their life, and I remember thinking that that might be taking it a bit far. But today brought me closer to thinking that it might not be that far from the truth. It wasn’t so much the content of the session, but the reflection and discussion…
SAFRI: managing change and research methods
The third day of SAFRI 2010 has come and gone and I’m exhausted. The sessions are intense and for the first time in years, I found myself counting the minute ’til the coffee break. But even that doesn’t offer any respite because it’s regarded as an opportunity for informal discussion about your project. We switched…
SAFRI: drafting the proposal
Day 2 of the first residential session felt really productive, although I’m not sure if that was because I worked hard or because I spent most of the day staring at my tiny netbook screen (I love my NC10 but it’s definitely not for 8+ hour shifts). Before beginning this session, each of use had…
SAFRI: Introduction, teams and leadership
Today was the first day of the first SAFRI residential session in Cape Town, where SAFRI is the Southern Africa FAIMER Regional Institute, and FAIMER is the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research. We spent today working through a few activities that served as an introduction, both to the programme and to each…
TEDx Johannesburg
I’ve been a longtime fan of the TED conferences and found out last night about the TEDx conference being held in Johannesburg in a few weeks time. The theme is “Uplifting communities“, which ties in nicely with the project proposal I submitted to FAIMER last month (see previous post). So I decided to apply as…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-07-06
Finalising funding proposal for PhD, didn’t realise how much work is involved. Will be terrible if it’s turned down #mrowephd # Excited about SAAHE conference this weekend, will give feedback on blogging presentation and ethics workshop afterwards http://bit.ly/35gl6F # Using Google Docs 2 get proposal feedback from my supervisors. Considered using a closed wiki but…