Tag: Meta
Weekly digest 48
A weekly collection of things I found interesting, thought-provoking, or inspiring. It’s almost always about higher education, mostly technology, and usually AI-related.
Podcast: Interview with Mark Zuckerberg in a Meta VR environment
This is incredible. I won’t be surprised if we end up spending most of our time interacting in mixed realities, in the future. The implications for education are, IMO, astounding.
We don’t need global-level conversation platforms
Instead of more sessions on how to use Twitter to build community (a conversation that’s been going since Twitter launched), I would have liked to see more thoughtful and critical discussion around the use of social media for HPE at the AMEE conference. For example, this piece by Cal Newport, where he questions the idea…
A thought on Meta’s Threads
https://startupy.substack.com/p/things-im-thinking-about-67f I think Zuckerberg will be able to build another money making machine with Threads. But alas, this is not the feel good internet I was looking for. More endless scrolling, chipping away at my capacity for concentration. More people incentivized to churn out loads of content to please an algorithm. More user-friendly sameness. More…
Weekly digest (29 May-04 Jun 2023)
I’ve been camping in Wales for most of the past week, so haven’t had much time for reading, writing, and posting (which is why most of the posts in the stream have been quotes from my Readwise library). Apologies for the lack of diversity. Normal programming will hopefully resume soon. It makes no sense to…