Tag: online social networks
Facilitating Communities of Practice in the Network Era
Amy Jo Kim, Barry Wellman, community, community of practice, cop, etienne wenger, game mechanics, gaming in physiotherapy, george siemens, granovetter, howard rheingold, john david smith, legitimate peripheral participation, Lilia Efimova, lpp, manuel castells, nancy white, online communities, online community, Online companion, online groups, online interfaces, online social networks, pdf, physiotherapy, referral systems, slideshare, Sociological Theory, strength of weak ties, virtual communityTwo days ago I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to attend a workshop at UCT facilitated by Nancy White (1), who co-wrote Digital habitats: stewarding technology for communities (2) with Etienne Wenger and John David Smith. Presentation slides from the workshop can be downloaded / viewed here. Unfortunately, I could only stay for…