Tag: video
Weekly digest 46
A weekly collection of things I found interesting, thought-provoking, or inspiring. It’s almost always about higher education, mostly technology, and usually AI-related.
Weekly digest 44
A weekly collection of things I found interesting, thought-provoking, or inspiring. It’s almost always about higher education, mostly technology, and usually AI-related.
New ‘Thinking in public’ video: This is not a tutorial
I started a YouTube channel in 2021 called Thinking in public, with the intention of sharing the practices I use as part of my academic work. From the channel description: I’m a teacher and researcher working in higher education, and I spend a significant part of my time trying to figure out how to be…
My new project: Thinking in public
What would a serious approach to knowledge work and academic productivity look like? How do knowledge workers manage information as part of a framework for turning it into something valuable? These are the kinds of questions I’m trying to explore with this new project.
Weekly digest (10-14 May 2021)
Mazur, B. (2021). Scientific Publishing Is a Joke: An XKCD comic—and its many remixes—perfectly captures the absurdity of academic research. The Atlantic. The joke was on target. “The meme hits the right nerve. Many papers serve no purpose, advance no agenda, may not be correct, make no sense, and are poorly read. But they are…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-22
Becoming a relational academic http://bit.ly/6IEsA # Academic Earth – The Human Brain and Muscular System, Great video lecture on anatomy (36 lectures available) http://bit.ly/mNMTp # Fascinating lectures on the nature of death, from Open Yale Courses. Plenty of other great content here http://bit.ly/E5w25 # Scholarly Teaching: A Model. Article by Trigwell, Martin, Benjamin and Prosser…
Did you know?
I recently came across an updated version of the Did you know 2.0 video that was doing the rounds in 2006/2007. Did you know 3.0 has new statistics (although they’re probably already outdated) and a different visual appeal. If you haven’t seen it and are interested in the role the internet is playing in fundamentally…