Tag: Professor
SAAHE workshop – Curricular alignment. What does it mean?
Presented by Professor Debbie Murdoch-Eaton. If you don’t know where you’re going, you’re probably not going to get there. A clear vision of the intended outcomes should drive every aspect of teaching, learning and assessment Outcomes must be clear because they will determine your teaching methods, and will also direct assessment Preparing students for their…
SAAHE keynote – How to construct a medical curriculum that matters
Presentation by Professor Herman von Rossum. In preclinical years, you insert learning stimuli from the context of application (i.e. a clinical environment) into the educational learning environment. In clinical years, you insert education moments into the healthcare environment In constructing a curriculum, you must first determine the health needs of a society, then determine the…
SAAHE keynote – What generic skills do students bring with them?
This is the presentation from Professor Debbie Murdoch-Eaton. What impacts do we have on students life ambitions? Workers with general / transferable skills are better placed to succeed in a global knowledge economy. The skills need not be specific to the discipline The attributes are not only about economic drivers i.e. getting a job…they are…
SAAHE keynote – Improving health professions education to improve health (Bill Burdick)
I’m going to split my blog posts up according to the different sessions, just for ease of reference i.e. a few posts, rather than one very long one. Here are my notes from the first keynote of the day, from Professor Bill Burdick. If you don’t continue the momentum for change, you’re going to be…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-24
in Digestafrica, apa style, blooms taxonomy, College Art Exhibit Celebrates, critical thinking, downes, drawing. solitude, e-portfolios, facebook, latin abbreviations, legitimate peripheral participation, lurking, nancy white, NASA HD, networked learning, podcasting, privacy, productivity, Professor, real-time collaborative word processing, research, saide, sketchpad, sync.in, Tony Bates, twitter, ubuntu, ubuntu unity shell, writing, xkcd, youtube, Zen HabitsAcademic Productivity » New paths to “research productivity” http://bit.ly/dBnPYO # Bloom’s Taxonomy. Useful illustration with additional information that may assist with implementation http://bit.ly/cAFYwr # The Cronk of Higher Education » College Art Exhibit Celebrates 30 Years of Boredom in Academia (humour) http://bit.ly/cBufLp # APA Style Blog: It’s All Latin to Me: Latin Abbreviations in Scholarly…
Reflections on improving teaching practice
Up until today, I was kind of maintaining 2 blogs…this one, and a reflective commentary that I included in my teaching portfolio wiki. The portfolio is something that our faculty suggests we keep for when we apply for promotion, etc. but I thought it could be something more. So when I started teaching in 2007, I…
Reflective writing
As part of their clinical placements, our students are required to complete some reflective components and submit them along with their clinical files at the end of the block. These reflections are usually in the form of SWOT analyses, SPAR stories, reflective journals or critical reflections of journal articles. The writing exercises are meant to…
TEDx Johanessburg (session 1) – Hennie Eksteen
Here are some interesting facts about earthworms: They have no immune system…or teeth The more rotten their food is, the better They are the most numerous animals on earth They lay cocoons every day or so Earthworms create, purify and sanitise soil OK, this is interesting but nothing I can’t get from Wikipedia. I’m in…
Clinical guidelines: should we be using them?
I attended a lecture a few days ago by Karen Grimmer-Somers, a professor at the University of South Australia and Director of the Centre for Allied Health Evidence (CAHE). An adjunct professor at the University of Stellenbosch, she visits Cape Town every year or so and this year we were fortunate enough to have her…
Patient safety: keynote from SAAHE conference
I finally got around to typing up some of my notes from the SAAHE conference. Here is the first keynote address I attended. It was a presentation by Professor Ara Tekian, the Associate Professor of Medical Education at the University of Illinois, entitled “Medical errors and patient safety: teaching and assessing at undergraduate level”. While…