Tag: graduate attributes
Using the web to empower agents of change: Presentation at The Network – TUFH conference
These are the slides from the presentation I gave at The Network: Towards Unity for Health conference in Fortaleza, Brazil (2014). The talk looked at how we’re trying to prepare health professional students for an increasingly complex health system, but we’re still using teaching methods that originated centuries ago. I ask questions about how we…
Structure of a curriculum
We had the first of our curriculum review meetings earlier this week, with the intention of evaluating the alignment of our module outcomes (using our module descriptors) and the course content (using the course outline). The plan is that we will spend time in small groups reviewing components of the curriculum, and at each meeting,…
SAAHE keynote – What generic skills do students bring with them?
This is the presentation from Professor Debbie Murdoch-Eaton. What impacts do we have on students life ambitions? Workers with general / transferable skills are better placed to succeed in a global knowledge economy. The skills need not be specific to the discipline The attributes are not only about economic drivers i.e. getting a job…they are…