Tag: time management
My Physiopedia Plus courses on building skills for learning
In 2023 I put together a series of short courses for Physiopedia Plus, on the topic of building skills to support learning, which were published towards the end of the year. The stats (see image above) suggest that they’ve been well-received so far. Overview of all courses in the series, and here are the individual…
New year’s advice to myself
You have to accept that there will always be too much to do; that you can’t avoid tough choices or make the world run at your preferred speed; that no experience, least of all close relationships with other human beings, can ever be guaranteed in advance to turn out painlessly and well – and that…
Physiopedia courses on developing skills to support learning
During 2023 I prepared a series of courses for Physiopedia Plus, aimed at helping students develop skills to support their learning. These courses are an extension of the Learning to Learn In Beta project I started a few years ago. Here are the courses on Physiopedia Plus, which are are accredited in Australia, South Africa,…
SAAHE keynote – What generic skills do students bring with them?
This is the presentation from Professor Debbie Murdoch-Eaton. What impacts do we have on students life ambitions? Workers with general / transferable skills are better placed to succeed in a global knowledge economy. The skills need not be specific to the discipline The attributes are not only about economic drivers i.e. getting a job…they are…