Tag: clickers
HELTASA conference – day 1
in Conferenceclickers, doctoral supervision, heltasa, heltasa11, heltasa2011, higher education learning and teaching association of south africa, institutional failure, nelson mandela metropolitan university, port elizabeth, postgraduate supervision, scholarship, service learning, social responsibility, social responsiveness, web-based clickersToday was the first day of the HELTASA 2011 conference at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth.Before I post my notes, here are 2 suggestions for the organisers that I think are important: Internet access is essential, not a “nice-to-have”. I know you have a wireless network that we can all connect to,…
Innovative practices in education (colloquium)
Alwyn Louw, Amanda Morris, author, clickers, colloquium, creative solutions, Daniela Gachago, Edwine Simon, Engineering, feedback tool, Frontline, genre, granger bay, Ian Barbour, Ian Scott, Ingrid Mostert, innovation, Judith Jurgens, knowledge, knowledge construction tool, learning model, learning tool, lecturer, lecturer and teaching assistant, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Marie-Anne Ogle, Mark Herbert, Martjie van Heusden, Mbiya Baudouin, pedagogical practices using technology, personal learning environment, ple, poster and presentation Lecturer, Professor, scholarship, SMS, Somikazi Deyi, Suzanne Short, Taryn Bernard, teaching and learning, Vera Frith, Western CapeLast week I attended a teaching and learning colloquium at Granger Bay, near the Waterfront. It was organised to showcase some of the teaching practices being used at the 4 teaching institutions in the Western Cape. I was fortunate to be invited to present one of the keynotes on Friday morning and since I’ve been…