Tag: higher education learning and teaching association of south africa
HELTASA conference, 2011 – day 3
academic literacy, action research, courage, critical friendship, difficult dialogues, digital stories, digital storytelling, generosity, heltasa, heltasa11, heltasa2011, higher education learning and teaching association of south africa, jack whitehead, learner-centred, lec-torials, lived experiences, nelson mandela metropolitan university, port elizabeth, reflection, self-study, trustToday was the last day of the HELTASA 2011 conference. It was a challenging and stimulating exchange of ideas that I really enjoyed. Thank you to everyone who was there and who I learned from. Crossing (some) traditional borders Prof Delia Marshall There needs to be wider social, historical, ethical and environmental dimensions of…
HELTASA conference, 2011 – day 2
Cape Peninsula University of Technology, case-based learning, cbl, collaborative groupwork, community of inquiry, conceptual threshold crossing, conflict management, control, conversational framework, cput, discourse, disruption, disruptive technology, emotional resilience, epistemology, garrison, gilly salmon, groupwork, hard technology, heltasa, heltasa11, heltasa2011, higher education learning and teaching association of south africa, interpretive boundaries, laurillard, learning events, learning management system, liberalism, lms, nelson mandela metropolitan university, online learning, online presence, Ontology, pbl, piet naude, port elizabeth, postgraduate supervision, power, problem based learning, public good, scientism, small group learning, social presence, soft technology, student wellbeing, teaching presence, transformative change, troublesome encounters, utilitarianismExplaining, naming and crossing border in Southern African higher education Prof Piet Naude This was one of the most challenging presentations I’ve ever listened to. I didn’t agree with a lot of what Prof Naude said, but he made me question my own beliefs and biases. Ontology: language is the house of reality (language…
HELTASA conference – day 1
in Conferenceclickers, doctoral supervision, heltasa, heltasa11, heltasa2011, higher education learning and teaching association of south africa, institutional failure, nelson mandela metropolitan university, port elizabeth, postgraduate supervision, scholarship, service learning, social responsibility, social responsiveness, web-based clickersToday was the first day of the HELTASA 2011 conference at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth.Before I post my notes, here are 2 suggestions for the organisers that I think are important: Internet access is essential, not a “nice-to-have”. I know you have a wireless network that we can all connect to,…