Tag: social responsibility
HELTASA conference – day 1
in Conferenceclickers, doctoral supervision, heltasa, heltasa11, heltasa2011, higher education learning and teaching association of south africa, institutional failure, nelson mandela metropolitan university, port elizabeth, postgraduate supervision, scholarship, service learning, social responsibility, social responsiveness, web-based clickersToday was the first day of the HELTASA 2011 conference at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth.Before I post my notes, here are 2 suggestions for the organisers that I think are important: Internet access is essential, not a “nice-to-have”. I know you have a wireless network that we can all connect to,…
Ethics of care colloquium with Joan Tronto
Last week I was lucky enough to attend a morning colloquium with Joan Tronto. Most of the morning was spent listening to current research in the area of the Ethics of Care, and we finished up with a lecture by Joan. Even though I teach Professional ethics, much of what was presented today was much…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-04
in Digestadult learning theory, athol kent, augmented reality, basic human right, blackboard, charles boelen, clinical competence, clinical education, competency, competency-based assessment, competency-based education, concept mapping, david taylor, deborah murdoch-eaton, dissemination, ebp, educational technology, evidence based practice, faimer, health educators, innovation, internet access, jack boulet, just in case learning, just in time learning, learning management system, learning theories, lms, mendeley, papert, portfolios, reflection, reflective journaling, research, saahe 2011, saahe2011, safri, social accountability, social media, social networks, social responsibility, united nations, workshopU.N. Report Declares Internet Access a Human Right | Threat Level | Wired.com http://bit.ly/ivNke2 # #saahe2011 officially over. It was a wonderful conference made possible by the participation of health educators from all over the country # Papert http://bit.ly/mggi6R. Being a revolutionary means seeing far enough ahead to know that there is going to be…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-12
in Digestblogging, Brian Austin Green, Chronic, david warlick, douglas adams, education, Google Earth, ipad, Megan Fox, mindmapping, personalised learning, presentations, questionnaire, reliability, scientist, social responsibility, south africa, stephen downes, test-retest, the chronic, twitter, Uses Google Earth, xmind, youth@sbestbier enjoyed it too, been thinking about ways to break away from the linear presentation, looking forward to your thoughts # @clivesimpkins Good idea, I’ll bring it up with him & ask about opening the platform to other students for editing # Never really had much use for mindmapping, so when I played with #xmind…