Tag: portfolios
IPE course project update
This post is cross-posted from the International Ethics Project site. My 4th year students have recently completed the first writing task in the IEP course pilot project. I thought I’d post a quick update on the process using screenshots to illustrate how the course is being run. We’re using a free version of WordPress which…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-19
@edtechdev never thought about using WP, might be interesting to explore. Thanks for that # Looking for open source journal management software with “social” components. Any1 have any experience with any of these http://ow.ly/6xBD0 # @mpaskevi looking for journal management tools, want faculty journal to go open access. Any experience with any of these http://ow.ly/6xBAU…
AMEE conference (day 2)
accreditation, AMEE, AMEE11, anatomy course, athol kent, clinical competencies, collaboration, competence, dental students, distance education, Distance Learning, encyclopaedia, fictional city, gaming in education, global medical education, global medicine, globalisation, interanationalisation, international medical education, language, learning resources, lexicon, life-long education, life-long learning, mobile devices, mobile learning, portfolios, professional culture, reflective journals, self-directed learning, virtual city, virtual clinical encounterThese are the notes I took on the second day of AMEE. One of the things I noticed is that in most of the presentations the speakers talk about “doctors”, and that little is said about “health professionals”. There seem to be few people here who understand that effective healthcare can only be delivered by…
SAFRI 2011 (session 2) – day 3
Began today with a session on workplace-based learning, spent some time “developing a model” for learning a new skill after actually trying to learn (what was for many) a new skill…spinning a top. My group came up with the following model which, truth be told was obviously based on Kolb’s learning cycle. Reviewed educational model…
SAAHE – short oral presentations
Assessment challenges in UG medical education (GG Mokane) Medical school in Botswana is spiral, integrated, community based and problem-based, but the rest of the university is didactic Format, content, timing and feedback are important components of assessment Assessment in this course has an emphasis on 3 types of MCQ’s Matching Single best answer True/false (multiple…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-15
"Friend" profiles on Facebook can used to algorithmically infer accurate information about you http://ow.ly/1kLM7 # MySpace starts selling bulk user data. Potentially useful after academic analysis, but is this a slippery slope? http://ow.ly/1kLqa # @wesleylynch those ship launches are mental 🙂 # RT @Tuism: RT @gangreu: @htc please stop to release new android phones and…