Tag: clinical learning
Developing AI literacy in professional education
Developing AI literacy in students shouldn’t rely on mandatory training. Instead, I suggest using AI to create personalised learning programmes for students that help them address real-world problems that are important to them. I give an example of preparing for clinical placement using generative AI. By having students interact with AI to build unique plans…
Blended and online learning in physiotherapy education
A short video that was presented at a physiotherapy education conference in Brazil in 2018. I spend a few minutes discussing the benefits and challenges on online learning environments in a clinical learning context.
Challenging students’ conceptual relationships in clinical education
I just wanted to share a thought while preparing our case notes for the Applied Physiotherapy module we’re developing. One of the designers made a note of the “guideline answers” for facilitators to some of the questions that we might use to trigger students’ thinking. I wrote the following as a comment and didn’t want…
Applying theoretical concepts to clinical practice
I just finished giving feedback to my students on the concept mapping assignment they’re busy with. It’s the first time I’ve used concept mapping in an assignment and in addition to the students’ learning, I’m also trying to see if it helps me figure out what they really understand about applying the theory we cover…
SAFRI 2011 (session 2) – day 3
Began today with a session on workplace-based learning, spent some time “developing a model” for learning a new skill after actually trying to learn (what was for many) a new skill…spinning a top. My group came up with the following model which, truth be told was obviously based on Kolb’s learning cycle. Reviewed educational model…
Strategies to improve clinical teaching: a workshop
On Saturday I attended a workshop at Groote Schuur hospital that had the aim of providing “…clinicians with the opportunity to improve their ability to facilitate learning in clinical practice”. Objectives included improving the understanding of theories of learning, methods of enhancing learning and assessment practices and the role of assessment in learning. I was…