Category: Video
Generative AI in education and research – RCOT
In this presentation for the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, I explore the key features of GenAI, its potential applications, and the challenges associated with its integration into academic and clinical settings.
Using AI is not cheating
It makes no sense to say that ‘using AI is cheating’, unless you know more about the context in which the AI was used. ‘Cheating’ implies that students contravened the rules. So just change the rules.
Test what students can do with what they know
In the context of AI that can generate pretty much any content, we need to shift assessment practices away from assessing what students know, and focus on their ability to solve meaningful problems using what they know.
Integrating AI in higher education needs a culture shift
Integrating AI into higher education requires a questioning of assumptions, and a re-evaluation of attitudes, behaviours, and beliefs. In short, it requires a change in culture.
Don’t track student attendance; design valid assessments
We shouldn’t care that students are sitting in the right seat, at the right time, on the right day. We should only care if they can do the job we say we’re training them for. And that requires validity in our assessments, not attendance in our classrooms.
I’ve started experimenting with YouTube shorts
The other day I was in the middle of something and had a fleeting thought about something else. And it occurred to me that someone else might be interested to hear my thought about the something else. But I was out and about and so a blog post wasn’t an option. And I realised it…
Using a ‘now’ file to prioritise new projects
Update: I’ve since published a ‘Now‘ page on this site after coming across the suggestion from Derek Sivers. I came across the idea of using a ‘Now’ file in the middle of last year and have incorporated it into my weekly review. The basic idea is that you keep track of all the big projects…
Quickly capturing the essence of a new idea
Sometimes I come across a novel idea or new concept that I’m unfamiliar with, and recognise that it’s something I should spend some time getting to grips with. But even though I’m interested in the idea and know that it’s important, I’m busy with something else and either don’t have the time or the bandwidth…
Expanding a note stub into a permanent note
In this video I walk through the process of taking a note stub (e.g. some information you’ve quickly captured) and expanding it into something more comprehensive and useful. I review the sources I use to add information to the note, talking about why I value some sources more than others, and explain what I’m thinking…
Using Zotero to create literature notes from video
In this video I talk about the way that I use Zotero to create literature notes from a video presentation. With the increase of video content online – especially academic content that’s now being recorded by default – I’ve been spending some time experimenting with different approaches to extracting useful information from video. Video remains…
Using Hypothesis and Zotero to create notes while reading online
In this short video I demonstrate how I take notes using while reading on the web and in Zotero. I try to show the early stages of creating links between ideas that I’m interested in, and eventually where I add those ideas into my permanent notes. I didn’t do much planning for this video;…
Types of notes for academics
I used to think of all notes as the same regardless of where I took them, what I intended doing with them, and what purpose they served. Then about a year ago I realised that this ad hoc approach to note-taking was serving my needs as a knowledge worker and so started thinking about academic…
Knowledge work and academic productivity
This is an introduction to a new project I’m starting where I think about, explore, and discuss ideas around workflow, process, and productivity as a knowledge worker. If being an academic is about using information to create value for others, then I don’t think that we have systematic processes that we can use to manage…
Blended and online learning in physiotherapy education
A short video that was presented at a physiotherapy education conference in Brazil in 2018. I spend a few minutes discussing the benefits and challenges on online learning environments in a clinical learning context.