Tag: culture
Integrating AI in higher education needs a culture shift
Integrating AI into higher education requires a questioning of assumptions, and a re-evaluation of attitudes, behaviours, and beliefs. In short, it requires a change in culture.
A culture of iterative improvement in healthcare
Lucas, B., & Nacer, H. (2015). The habits of an improver: Thinking about learning for improvement in health care. Health Foundation. For several decades we have known about the importance of education which builds improvement capability. But, looking across the professions and occupations that plan and deliver health and social care services in the NHS,…
Link: Realistic bookshelf murals on buildings in the Netherlands
Learning organisations…
The quote above is from Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline, which I’m slowly working my way through. But when it came up in my Readwise review today, it reminded me of another piece that recently came across my desk, asking if universities are learning organisations? We have: If we really want higher education institutions to…