Tag: information processing
People aren’t going to fact-check AI
Breakstone, J., Smith, M., Wineburg, S., Rapaport, A., Carle, J., Garland, M., & Saavedra, A. (2021). Students’ Civic Online Reasoning: A National Portrait. Educational Researcher, 50(8), 505–515. doi: 10.3102/0013189X211017495 Note that this paper was published in 2021. “Asked to investigate a site claiming to “disseminate factual reports” on climate science, 96% never learned about the…
Stop taking notes on your phone
I can’t believe how many people I’ve seen taking notes on their phones at this conference. Surely they must realise how inefficient this is? Laptops are better. Tablets with a keyboard also work. Or seriously, use a notepad and pen.
Thinking in public: A conversation with Tom Jesson
Tom Jesson is a physiotherapist, and self-employed researcher and writer based in Houston Texas, who I’ve wanted to speak to for a while. While I’ve always known Tom to be a thoughtful and careful writer, evident in his work that’s been published and shared widely in physiotherapy circles, I’ve not really thought much about how…
Knowledge work and academic productivity
This is an introduction to a new project I’m starting where I think about, explore, and discuss ideas around workflow, process, and productivity as a knowledge worker. If being an academic is about using information to create value for others, then I don’t think that we have systematic processes that we can use to manage…