Tag: reflective practice
Social networks and clinical education: presentation at SAAHE
My presentation at the SAAHE conference is a more in-depth look at the same project that I presented at the conference in 2010. The key points I wanted to make were that: Students struggle to develop practice knowledge because it is hidden from them i.e. they can’t “see” our thinking process as we reason our…
SAAHE – Social networks and reflective practice in clinical education
Here is my presentation from the SAAHE conference. Social networks and reflective learning View more presentations from Michael Rowe.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-01
in Digestbit.ly, blogging, ebp, education, mcmaster, micro-blogging, net generation, online textbooks, open courseware, open wiki, peer to peer learning, questionnaire development, reflective practice, rehab+, scientific american, semantic web, slideshare, social media, storytelling, tim berners-lee, tweets, twitter, web 2.0, wikiversityReflective practise and assessment at http://bit.ly/kgj1c # Social media applied to online-only university, open courseware and peer-to-peer learning http://bit.ly/pQXsX # Nice explanation of the semantic web by Tim Berners-Lee, in Scientific American (2001), so a bit old but still good http://bit.ly/e40PA # A matrix of uses of blogging in education, prepared by Scott Leslie in…