Tag: disadvantage
Navigating inequity around access to AI in higher education
There’s a lot of anxiety around the potential for student disadvantage due to unequal access to generative AI in education, a concern not unique to AI but prevalent across various aspects. Despite inequalities, there’s a movement towards more democratised AI access, with entities like OpenAI providing free tools. I suggest integrating AI deeply into education…
On the ethics concerns around requiring students to use AI
Note: I wrote this over the course of a busy day full of meetings. At the end of the day I just wanted to get it out there. I’m not sure that I’m fully on board with the arguments, but the thing that I love about blogs is that it doesn’t matter. So these are…
CHEC course: teaching and learning (day 3)
Yesterday’s CHEC session was presented by Jeff Jawitz from UCT, who looked at tools for addressing diversity in the South African university classroom. I’ve seen Jeff present before at conferences and he’s got a really relaxed way of introducing and working with often highly controversial topics, like race and gender. I was especially excited to…